
Paralyzed transport as multimedia students from Protest University to colleague’s death

Paralyzed transport as multimedia students from Protest University to colleague’s death

Students block the road during Monday Protest 10, 2025. (Photo: Curtaosis)

A section of students at the Multimedia University blocked Magadi Road while protesting against their colleague’s death.

The students blocked Magi Road to Ongata Rongai Monday, Kajiado County, in protests for the death of their colleague, Lameck Wambi Mwangi.

Mwangi, a second year student at the Faculty of Social Sciences and Technology, was found dead on March 9 in what the authorities suspect was an accident hit and driven.

The students engaged in the police in fights after they barricaded the road and paralyzed the transport for much of the morning.

They blamed the accident on the recently recaptured road, which has no speed markings and levels.

The drivers were closed as the standffle between students and police escalated, tear gas being used to disperse the crowd.

The police said they were called and informed about the accident before lifting a corpse.

Police promised investigations and actions on Sam, even as they pleaded with students to wipe the road.

They also promised that they will hire relevant road agents to approach speed on the road.

Drivers were advised to look for alternative routes, while the police fought with the revolted students.