
Singer and iconic fighter for justice during the movement of the dead civil rights at 82

Singer and iconic fighter for justice during the movement of the dead civil rights at 82

Don’t you know Danny Cox?

Well, you should. Not only was Cox a legendary popular singer, but he was also known, as a fighter for social justice during the movement for civil rights.

Cox died on Friday. He was 82 years old.

The story was reported for the first time by Kcur.

Cox’s son, Nate Cox, shared the news of his death on social networks on Friday after -being.

“My father has always taught us that you have so much energy in this life, your body can only produce so much energy,” he wrote. “He gave so much energy to the world, his family, his friends, fans, his music, his art. He was without energy. And he spent energy in an amazing way.

“You live your life in your terms with unwavering power and passion,” he added. “You sold Cargie Hall four times, you visited the world and shared your gift with so many.”

Kcur said Cox They shared stages with the appreciation of Ray Charles and Jefferson Starship.

The story also detailed Cox’s past as a “fighter for social justice”.

“So I started going to prison in the eighth grade,” Cox told Kur in 2018. “And, of course, they didn’t know what to do with me. Here’s a small child, you know? They knew how to put the dogs and hoses on adults, but they didn’t know what to do (with a child). I do it since then, I try. “

The report was mentioned as a versatile and talented signatory by people, blues and jazz. He told the site that he was able to melt the genres because he does not “claim”.

Nate Cox said that his family will plan “a big hootenanny in which everyone can go out.”

“He wouldn’t have wanted people to cry and sad,” he said. “He would like people to celebrate and remember the good times. He was a child of (1960), so he would have wanted everyone to get stuck on stage and sing songs. “