
The West Virginia House Law draft requests the state campsite prohibition

The West Virginia House Law draft requests the state campsite prohibition

Parkersburg, W.Va. (WTAP) – West Virginia House Bill 2382 would implement a state campsite prohibition. The draft law had the first reading on Friday, March 7 and is scheduled for the second reading on Monday, March 10th.

The draft law, if it had passed, would “establish crimes for camping or storage of personal properties, including camp and parafernal facilities, regarding government or public properties and criminal penalties.”

The text states that the purpose of the draft law is to “prevent the health and safety of the public and to promote public health, general safety and well -being.”

One of the sponsors of the draft law, the Republican delegate removes Heckert, says that the draft law helps maintain clean and safe communities by creating uniformity on county lines.

According to this draft law, breaches for the first time will be given a written warning and resources information to obtain assistance in search of an alternative shelter.

A second violation would bring an accusation of crime and a fine of $ 200 or less to conviction.

The punishment for a third time violation in the first 12 months after the first violation would be an accusation of crime and a fine of $ 500 or less on conviction, up to 30 days in prison or both a fine and a prison.

Republican delegate Bill Flanigan opposes the draft law. He recognizes that this is a problem in the whole state, but says that more work has to be done for this bill.

“We will limit them and submit to them now to have a prison register because they are homeless. I truly believe that we could find a better way, a better solution … they are not criminals, “says Flanigan delegate.

He proposes another solution to the problem.

“I had eleven sponsors to jump yesterday and sent it. I simply do not have the number for this, but I have to develop an institutional program. A hospital, practically a large central – somewhere in the state – for mental evaluations and helps if they need it, ”says Flanigan delegate.

Several cities in Western Virginia have passed their own camping prohibition ordinances. The city of Parkersburg has adopted an ordinance to ban camping in September 2023, one that is very similar to Bill 2382, according to Mayor Tom Joyce.

Mayor Joyce says the draft law, like the Parkersburg Ordinance, does not incriminate the homeless, but equip the responsible ones to help them better.

“My goal throughout the whole process (for Parkersburg Ordinance) was to make our public spaces as safe as possible … I don’t think (the draft law 2382) incriminates homeless, I think it offers those responsible for keeping our community safe and vibrant, another tool to bring those people to a better situation.

When we discussed with the Heckert delegate about how the draft law could have an impact on the Parkersburg Ordinance, he said: “I think it will work more in hand and will give the ordinance a little more, a little more teeth, if you want.”

Since the implementation of the local ordinance, Mayor Joyce says he has noticed positive changes when I talked to him.

“From our point of view, you know, we have a route that before its opening, the whole area was full of homeless camps. It’s no longer … yesterday … there were a hundred people plus the path. I went down there at noon, I saw people walking on the path, riding their bicycles on the path, walking the dogs on the route, ”says Mayor Joyce. “Without this local legislation of 2023, I am not sure that people enjoy that path as they enjoy now.”

The time number for Wood County took place at the end of January this year. Dawn Werry, the case manager of permanent support housing for Western Virginia to put an end to the homeless, said they counted 205 people.

In 2023, the number was 184, and in 2024 the number was 197.

Mayor Joyce says that the resources stationed in Parkersburg attribute to the homeless population.

“We know, you know, the highest percentage of drug treatment units. So, we have a lot of people who are brought here, they come here because this is a very charitable place. “

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