
Auction of online firearms W.Va.

Auction of online firearms W.Va.

Parkersburg, W.Va. (WTAP) – Western Virginia state treasurer announced the amount of the winning offer for the first online firearms auction.

On Tuesday, the state treasurer Larry Pack announced that the amount of the winning auction for the first online firearms in the office history was $ 26,150. It was placed from a dealer authorized by Federal Firear (FFL) in Pennsylvania.

According to the statement, over 50 references of offers from authorized dealers stretching on 13 states participated in the online auction that ended on Monday, March 10th.

“I am proud to rest these dollars in the law enforcement agencies, so that they can buy the equipment they need to better serve the public,” said Trector Pack. “This was the first time that dealers were allowed to make offers online. My office will continue to hold these online auctions to help modernize our unreaved property program and to expand the market value, by ensuring the purchasing power from dealers from several states. “

The treasurer’s office says that there were 113 firearms and 400 kilograms of ammunition during the first online auction. The winning bidder will pick up his firearms this week.

The next online auction is scheduled on April 14-28. At that time there will be over 200 firearms for the offer.

In addition to online auctions, the treasurer’s office will continue to host separate auctions on the spot that require FFL dealers to participate in the person. The next firearms tender in person is scheduled for March 27 in Kanawha City. The auction will consist of about 625 firearms.

The next 14 law enforcement agencies have transformed firearms for the auction of March 27:

  • Bluefield Police Department
  • Sheriff’s office in Cabell County
  • Sheriff’s office in Doddridge County
  • Gilmer County Sheriff’s Office
  • Sheriff’s office in Jackson County
  • Sheriff’s office in Lewis County
  • Sheriff’s office in Monroe County
  • Sheriff’s office in Putnam County
  • Police Department Terra another
  • Sheriff’s office in Upshur County
  • Working group for violent crime
  • Sheriff’s office in Wood County
  • Sheriff’s office in Wyoming County
  • Western Virginia State Police – Berkeley Springs, Buckhannon, Saint Mary’s detachments

More information about firearms bids are available at

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