
Man arrested on the charge of holding a sexual abusive material for children | News, sports, jobs

Man arrested on the charge of holding a sexual abusive material for children | News, sports, jobs

Man arrested on the charge of holding a sexual abusive material for children | News, sports, jobs


Sault star. Marie – Michael Louis Dauer, 24, from Sault Ste. Marie was arrested on the charge of having a sexual abusive material of the child.

The unit of crimes for Michigan State Police Computers, Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force announced on Monday that Dauer has been arrested for aggravated possession of sexually abusive materials, holding sexual abusive materials and using a computer to commit a crime.

Dauer was arrested for an investigation that started when he found out that he was watching sexual abusive materials for children on the Internet. Digital evidence has been confiscated from Dauer’s residence after a search was performed.

Dauer was accused of four charges of detention aggravated by sexually abusive materials for children, a number of sexually abusive materials for children and two charges of using a computer to commit a crime. He was notified at the District Court 91 in Sault. Marie on March 7.

Dauer is about to return to court on March 20. Its obligation was set at $ 50,000 and includes conditions such as a connection, no contact with no one under the age of 18 and without access to a computer or a social media.

If he is convicted, he is experiencing up to 10 years in prison for the detention of sexually abusive materials for children and 10 years in prison for using a computer to commit a crime.

The defendant is considered innocent, unless he is guilty.

The unit of crimes for MSP computers encourages parents to talk to their children about the safe use of the Internet and there are many resources available for parents to help keep children safe. The National Center for Children is missing and operated offers a comprehensive list of resources on their website at Michigan ICAC Task Force also offers resources at If you have information about the possible sexual exploitation of children, report it to Cybertipline from