
Drugs, weapon seized while stopping Scotsville traffic

Drugs, weapon seized while stopping Scotsville traffic

Scotsville, Ky. (WBKO) – A traffic offense has led to the confiscation of drugs and weapons in Allen County, the police say.

Around 1 o’clock in the morning, the Scotsville police initiated a traffic stop for a 2005 GMC, operated by Brandon Cox, 36, for a traffic offense, according to a press release.

Opporters say the stop gave 429.5 grams of marijuana, cocaine and narcotic pills, as well as parafernal in accordance with the traffic of controlled substances. A hand weapon and cash currency were also confiscated, the statement said.

COX was arrested and submitted to the Allen County Detention Center for the following charges:

  • Marijuana traffic, second improvement
  • 1-degree traffic in a controlled substance (cocaine), improvement
  • Holding 1 -grade of a controlled substance (hydrocodone), improvement
  • Handling second degree of a controlled substance (amphetamine)
  • Holding drug parafernalia
  • Holding an open alcoholic container ‘
  • Without registration boards
  • Without registration receipt
  • The edge of the frame that darkens the offspring letters

The Scotsville Police Department was assisted in the investigation by the Allen Sheriff’s office.