
Lowell fireman is experiencing porn accusations for children

Lowell fireman is experiencing porn accusations for children


David Silva would have used Snapchat to request photos with minor girls.

A lowell firefighter has been arrested recently and is now facing child trafficking charges and human trafficking.

Authorities say that David Silva, 35, paid minor girls to send her sexually explicit materials through Snapchat for several months last year.

Silva, who lives in Chelmsford, was arrested earlier this week and notified at the Wrentham District Court. He was accused of holding child pornography, posing or exposing a child in a state of nudity and human trafficking, according to judicial documents.

Silva pleaded to be guilty for all the charges. He posted bail and was ordered to stay away and have no contact with the alleged victims and witnesses, not to have unattended contact with anyone under 18 and not to use social media.

In the judicial documents, the police identified Silva as a full-time firefighter for the Lowell Fire Department. Lowell officials could not be contacted immediately for comments on Thursday.

At the end of December, the family members of a minor girl came to the Millis Police Department. They were worried that he was using drugs and talking to men inappropriately through Snapchat. They told the police that the girl and the man, later identified like Silva, sent empty pictures back and forth and were in contact since the summer. Family members told the police that they thought the man was a fireman, but they didn’t know where. They said that his name is “James” and gave the police the name of the Snapchat account associated with the man, according to a police report.

The officers spoke to the girl to discuss his private conversations with the user Snapchat “Jamessss144”. She told the police that she sent empty photos in exchange for money for months. They all said, “James” sent around $ 500, according to the police report.

The authorities also discovered that the man was in contact with the girl’s sister, who also sent empty pictures in exchange for money. She provided to the police the man’s phone number and the Venmo account name. With this information, the police identified Silva as the alleged perpetrator, according to the report.

Snapchat replied and respected a search warrant. The police discovered “hundreds of photos and videos with what seemed to be minor females that perform sexual acts in bedrooms, bathrooms, school baths and school rooms,” according to the report. Over 10 different Venmo accounts have been shown to be saved in Snapchat user journals.

Snapchat also offered the officials of eight different reports that the company received about the “Jamessss144” user. The account was reported for sending improper materials and friendship requests “SPAM”, according to judicial documents.

A report contained the comment: “The request of the pictures of the feet at 16 years old and was 20 years old.” Another report contained the comment: “Send it unsolicited videos about it by rubbing its penis. I don’t know this man, it’s very strange. I am very uncomfortable, “according to the report.

Paypal, the company that owns Venmo, replied and respected and complied with a search warrant. The police used the personal information of the Venmo associated account to confirm that Silva belongs. The account sent nearly $ 7,000 to other June accounts to December 2024, according to the report.

A Venmo payment contained the comment: “It’s James. Can I pay you for your foot pictures? My money is supplied and became burdened. “Another one contained the comment:” Did he blocked me again for no reason? You are a very difficult person to pay, I do not understand (sic) ”, according to the report.

The police followed two IP addresses to the online activity: one that belonged to the Lowell Fire Department on Gorham Street and another that belonged to Silva’s Chelmsford residence. The police will request a search warrant for Chelmsford property, according to judicial documents.

Ross Cristantiello

Personnel writer

Ross Cristantiello, a general news reporter for from 2022, covers local policy, crime, environment and more.