
The process is approaching for the Waterford Navy officer accused of sexually assaulting the teenager

The process is approaching for the Waterford Navy officer accused of sexually assaulting the teenager

The jury selection is underway in New London for a former Waterford’s Navy command accused of sexually assaulting a 14 -year -old relative.

Joshua Sturgill, 48, with a last known address on Braman Road, pleaded guilty of accusations of second -degree sexual aggression and the risk of injury to a minor. Sturgill held the degree of command master at the time of his arrest and, according to his profile of the Navy, is a former director of the basic submarine school enrolled in Groton.

Surgill was exempted from his command of command of the SEA Systems Naval Command of Washington, DC, two days from August 29, 2023, arrested by the Waterford Police and was administratively reinsured to the base of the Naval Submarine. A navy spokesman could not immediately provide information about Sturgill’s current status with Marina. He joined the Navy in 1995.

The police spent several months investigating the case of the suspicion of abuses on children, after being announced by the State Department for Children and Families on March 8, 2023. Sturgill’s relative said she was sexually attached between September and December 2022 during a visit to his home in Waterford, according to police reports.

The relative said that Sturgill has sexually assaulted on a couch in his house and described that he was “scared” and “a kind of ice cream”, when it happened, the police reports show. Sturgill’s wife was in a bedroom at the time of the alleged attack, and the young relative told the police that Sturgill had removed from her when her wife left the bedroom, but resumed sexual assault when his wife returned to the bedroom, police reports.

“The victim finally told Sturgill that he wanted to sleep. The victim then left the living room and hid in the bathroom for the rest of the night, ”the police report. “In a subsequent visit from Sturgill to the victim’s house, Sturgill asked the victim if he wanted to do what they did again in the future. The victim said no, and Sturgill acted disappointed. “

Police said that the relative supposed behavior of Sturgill, such as sexually improper touches, unwanted comments and photos, which the police described as care.

Sturgill is represented by lawyers Bryan Fieldo and Sam Nassetta, both of them on Thursday in New London Court, choosing potential jurors for a scheduled process to start on Monday. The case will be heard before Judge Elizabeth C. Leaming and is criminally prosecuted by the assistant prosecutor of Marissa Goldberg.

Nassetta, in a preventive movement, sought the girl’s mental treatment records, educational records and prescribed drug history as part of Sturgill’s defense.

“Here, some or all the plaintiff’s mental health conditions and recipe drug use are relevant to challenge their ability to perceive, understand and accurately report events and relate the truth,” the moving shows.

Nassetta refused comments on any specifics in this case, but said he intends to “let the evidence speak for themselves.” Nassetta said that Sturgill “maintains its innocence.”

Both accusations facing Surgill are crimes of class B that have a maximum punishment of 20 years in prison. A sentence to second -degree sexual aggression also has a mandatory minimum sentence of nine months in prison for a conviction.

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