
311 Edmonton: A list of services and the most common complaints

311 Edmonton: A list of services and the most common complaints

The City of Edmonton often asks people to call 311 to report potholes or parking violations, but the service can do much more for residents and visitors.

311 is the non-emergency contact for city government information and services, to report complaints such as vehicles blocking access or to obtain information about bus routes.

It answers about 900,000 questions a year, according to the city.

Over the past 12 months, these were the five most frequently asked questions:

  • Transit (routes and timetables) – 75,312;
  • Recreation and leisure centers (general information) – 67,314;
  • Parking enforcement (public parking complaints) – 52,711;
  • Waste (collection and disposal services) – 47,068;
  • Tax (monthly payment plan) – 40,836.

Potholes, noise and parking complaints are three issues people might think of, but other things that can be reported to 311 include:

  • coyote sightings;
  • Removal of dead animals;
  • Decorative tree lights turned off;
  • Late Edmonton Transit Buses;
  • Garbage collection missed;
  • Traffic light timing.

The city breaks down the request DATA by wards and neighborhoods.

The service also has a website and one the application. This includes information such as transit routes and schedules, information about recreation centers and pools, and property tax estimates.

Some services available in the city are not covered by 311, such as Epcor, Transit Watch and ARC Transit.

311 is available to call between the hours of 7:00 AM and 7:00 PM daily, except public holidays. For out-of-towners, the number is 780-442-5311.

“If you are experiencing urgent regulatory issues or public safety issues outside of normal hours, please call 311 and choose from the available options,” the city wrote on its website.

People who do not speak English can ask for help from an interpreter when they call. The city offers interpretation services in over 180 languages.

Typewriter service is available by dialing 711 from a teletypewriter and typing 780-442-5311 to be connected to 311 services.

The city reminds people who are in life-threatening situations or who need help from the fire department, an ambulance or the police to call 911.

Other services in Alberta

311 isn’t the only service Albertans can use. There are also 211, 411, 511 and 811.


Similar to 311, 211 is a confidential, multilingual information and referral system that connects Albertans to community and social services across the province.


The 411 the service works like a phone book and has a directory of phone numbers and addresses for businesses and people.


This is Alberta’s passenger information service, containing information on highway conditions, weather alerts, road work notices and more.


Also known as Health Link, 811 is run by Alberta Health Services and provides services such as symptom-based nursing assessment and health information, dementia counseling services, and addictions information and referrals.