
PERI chapter to learn about Mentor Senior Center – News-Herald

PERI chapter to learn about Mentor Senior Center – News-Herald

The next meeting of the Lake County Public Employee Retirees, Inc. Chapter 28 will be held at noon Nov. 7 at Pine Ridge Country Club, 30601 Ridge Road in Wicklliffe.

Renee Ochaya will speak about the Mentor Senior Center, according to a news release. There will also be a 50-50 draw.

Lunch is $20 and reservations must be made no later than noon on November 1st. Gluten-free and vegetarian dishes are available on request.

For reservations or more information, contact Vice President Sherri Jukiewicz at 440-357-8118 or [email protected].

All members of the Ohio Public Employees’ Retirement System are welcome to attend.