
The jury offers a verdict divided into the Rollercoaster Police Brutality process of the former Antioch K9 officer

The jury offers a verdict divided into the Rollercoaster Police Brutality process of the former Antioch K9 officer

Oakland – A jury condemned the police officer Antioch Morteza amiri to deprive a person of civil rights and the falsification of reports, but paid him by the remaining accusations, including the conspiracy with other policemen to commit violence.

The jury’s verdict managed a trial on Friday who saw Amiri’s colleagues -including a former close friend who has already been guilty for many of the same charges – I confess against himdescribing in detail one of the largest police scandals that hit the Gulf area in decades.

The rollercoaster of a process has reached its end in the most tumultuous way. The civil servant read aloud a verdict of guilt for the number one, instantly changing the mood of the court. But as quickly, the head of the jury spoke, announcing that this was a mistake and that they did not condemn the prunings for conspiracy.

The jurors returned to their room of deliberations, while Amiri removed a small smile, adding even more drama and suspense at the moment. They returned with a verdict form corrected a few minutes later. Then the judge voted the jury after reading the verdict, to make sure.

With each verdict who is not guilty, his supporters have left sighs of relief. He shook his head to the jury after finding out that he would not come from the process.

Amiri was found guilty of conspiracy and two charges to deprive a person’s rights, but was found guilty of his dog’s illegal release while taking his roommate, a former police officer from Antioch and Pittsburg, who testified against Amiri. He is facing up to 10 years in prison for deprivation of rights and 20 years to falsify records, but the conviction guidelines will probably recommend his term imprisonment to be much lower.

“We are satisfied with the verdict who is not guilty,” said Amirr’s lawyer, Paul Goyette, adding that he was “disappointed” that it was not a clean broom. “The jury worked a lot in this case. This was a very smart jury, so you have to respect their decision. “

The civil right deprivation fee has been supported by Testimony of the former robbery of Amiri, Timothy Manly-Williamswhich the lawyer of Amiri called him ironic as a “worst witness” in the whole process. Manly-Williams, who pleaded guilty of accusations of unrelated crime, confessed that Admboi said he wanted to “go into something” that night, then seemed to start a man on a bicycle, for no reason, before calling Manly-Williams to open the door of the police and to release his dog. Admirals would occasionally refer to PIRCY as “his fur rocket”.

The jury reached its verdict on the third day of deliberations, most was Thursday – National Veterans Day.

The process could be good news for the remaining co-insult of Amiri, Devon Wenger, who is also accused of conspiracy. But, unlike amirities, which has set records at the Antioch Police Department because of the number of people who have been convicted, Wenger is facing a single additional fee, related to the use of a less lethal launcher on a single person.

The decision of the jury ends a process of almost two weeks centered on the narratives of the duel: amiri was a racist policeman who used his police dog to hunt for sports residents, or was he just the victim of false witnesses and “cherry” text messages meant to paint him in a bad light?

In order to solve this problem, the jurors watched as a parade of current and former police officers, including former colleagues of Amiri in Antioch, confessed about dozens of times in which Amiri escaped the dog, Purcy, people, many of them black.

From the first time he called Purcy in action, Amiri seemed to enjoy the violence and Gore everyone, the prosecutors said. In the texts read in front of the jury, Amiri offered a steak with Mignon thread to anyone who could help to find someone to bite. When in the end he released the German shepherd to someone, the dog initially seemed reluctant to catch, causing the amirs to repeatedly force the dog until he began to chew on him, according to the judicial testimony.

“He was eager to take his dog who has not received a bite yet,” said American lawyer Eric Cheng. “He wanted to bite badly.”

The conviction for the falsification of the records resulted from the dog bite of July 2019, while Amiri led around Manly-Williams. After the meeting, the amiri would have joked in a text about the fact that he has a “weak ass” to use his dog, adding that he inclined the report on the incident “so I do not go to court for bite”, according to the testimony to the trial. Federal prosecutors claimed that Amiri violated the law omitting the presence of Manly-Williams in an initial police report.

However, the jury did not buy arguments of prosecutors that the rights of people were missing during two subsequent incidents.

The authorities claimed that amiri released the dog in August 2020 on a man who seemed to sleep in a homeless camp tent. After that, Amiri sent another officer that “I left the tent and planned the game how to do it. He returned and did justice ”, according to the judicial testimony.

A few months later, Amiri would have sent a text that took a reward for a man who suspected to steal the mail and open fake accounts on his behalf. Prosecutors claimed that he led to a confrontation with the man, in which Amiri threatened that “if you stole again through E -Email, I will kill you.”

Throughout the trial, prosecutors have leaned a lot on a trove of graphic texts, with racial texts between the amirs and a number of other officers from all over the East-Multi Bay, glorifying those hunting for “bite” and bloody bodies left behind. In them, amiri and his colleagues named the black residents “Gorillas” as they asked to keep the rooms worn by the body, so that their actions go unnoticed.

“Despite the fact that they admitted that they were useless uses of force, what did they say about it? “This – it’s fun,” Chen said, citing one of his texts during the closing arguments on Wednesday.

The prosecutors came across these texts with the words of his colleagues. The most devastating came from Eric Row, a close friend who previously said guilty of similar charges. In a measured tone, Rombough gave an unwavering account of their plan to “dehumanize” people, all for exactly a “feeling of punishment” on a city they considered to be without law.

Other officers proved to be more difficult when they were called to prosecutors. At least a few have given testimony that came into conflict with their prior statements to investigators or big jurors – often in ways that have appeared to minimize his actions.

Before the jury began to deliberation, Amiri’s lawyer pleaded with jury to “slow down or stop that escaped freight train known as the government.” The texts, he said, represented a mere “dark humor” and “a common human function to cope” with a difficult job.

“They are not accurate, they are not factual, there are no admission,” said the lawyer, Paul Goyette, during the closing arguments on Wednesday. He stressed that Amiri’s actions were due to the culture of the police department, “about which, as we spoke, it was a product of that city and a product of that environment.”

Goyette has repeatedly settled in almost all the witnesses of the prosecutors, calling Rombough a “bad policeman” who had “a major, full-speed, on syntheroids, to throw the Mr. Amiri under the bus here.” When he refers to several men who told on the witness stand, being bitten by his dog, Goyette repeated the same line: “He lied.”

Amiri started the trial with Wenger, who faced a similar conspiracy accusation, as well as a number of the use of excessive force. However, he ended it alone, after US district judge Jeffrey White stated a myistial last week Against the background of concerns about his lawyer’s ability to represent him adequately.

A new trial date for these charges has not yet been established. Wenger, who spent his time recently mocking the federal prosecutors who supervise his case, It is also provided to face next month on steroid distribution fees.

Originally published: