
Russian captain in the accident of the North Sea ship appears in court under charges of serious negligence

Russian captain in the accident of the North Sea ship appears in court under charges of serious negligence


Russian captain Al Merchandise ship Solong This collapsed in a US package earlier this week in the North Sea, appeared on an English instance on Saturday under the charge of serious negligence.

The Portuguese package was hit on Monday the immaculate stena, while at the anchor off the northeastern coast of England and transports huge amounts of jet fuel for the American army, fire to both ships and determines emergency rescue efforts by the British Coast Guard.

Master Solong, Vladimir Motin, a 59 -year -old from St. Petersburg, appeared on Saturday at the courtyard of Hull, after being accused of the death of Mark Angelo Pernia, a 38 -year -old Philippine crew member, who could not be located after the accident and is supposed to be dead.

In a 35-minute hearing, the court heard how Solon was fleshy in immaculate stena, an incident that maritime experts called “mystery”.

Prosecutor Amelia Katz said that Immaculate Stena was anchored more than 15 hours before Solong, traveling at a speed of over 15 knots, collapsed in it, Reuters informed.

“For a period of over 40 minutes before the collision, Sololong was on a direct route for the impact with the immaculate stena, which was anchored and stationary,” Katz said.

“There was no communication attempt from Sololong to warn about imminent collision, and Solong did not adjust his course or speed at any time,” she added.

Damaged immaculate stenum remains on anchoring on the northern -east coast of England.

The full crew of 23 people from the immaculate stena was saved, while only 13 of the 14 people on board Sololong were brought safely. The sea minister of Great Britain, Mike Kane, said that a search and rescue operation for the missing crew member, later identified as Pernia, was canceled on Monday.

Immaculate stenum, which Kane said transporting 220,000 fuel barrels with jet when it collapsed, is part of a 10 tanks involved in a US government program to provide its fuel military.

The American Crowley logistics company, which manages the tank, said that the ship is part of the “Cisternian Security Program” of the US Defense Department, which “ensures that a commercial fleet can easily carry the liquid fuel supply during periods of need.”

The Britain’s coast guard said on Wednesday that there was no visible fire on the immaculate stena, but until Friday there were “small periodic pockets on fire” on Solong.

Although initially the accident caused huge damages to the environment, the Coast Guard said on Friday that “there is no concern due to pollution” from any of the ships.

Greenpeace said that an environmental disaster seems to have been “avoided”.

“When a container is the length of a football pitch is gathered in a tank that transports thousands of tons of jet fuel to 16 knots close to the sites of a sensitive nature, the potential for serious injury is huge,” Dr. Paul Johnston from Greenpeace Research Laboratories said on Wednesday.

“The priority should now be to ensure, as far as possible, that both ships will remain at the float, do not drain fuel with jet from the tank and that the merchant of the container should be completely characterized and secured,” he added.

The British coast guard said that the immaculate stena remains at the anchor, while Sololong was held in a safe position by a tug.