
Meet the Spanish man who enjoyed 6 years of holiday while receiving full salary

Meet the Spanish man who enjoyed 6 years of holiday while receiving full salary

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His long absence from work for six years came to light just when he was about to be awarded for his long service.

The employee was caught in 2010. (Representative image/UNSPLASH)

The employee was caught in 2010. (Representative image/UNSPLASH)

We all dreamed of having an extended holiday from work. However, we work hard to get the delightful days of freedom. But a Spanish civil servant had the final vacation from the workplace for six years. Do you come to believe?

The man jumped the work for six years, shook all responsibilities and went unnoticed as he received the payment check every month. His long absence from work for six years came to light just when he was about to be awarded for his long service.

In 2010, the company wanted to provide the employee for his long service in the organization. According to The Times, in 1990, Joaquin Garcia started working as a plant supervisor for a municipal water company in Cadiz, Spain. He was able to avoid work by taking a mixture between his bosses from a water company. The two departments assumed that the other is responsible for monitoring Joaquín’s activity.

This caused Joaquín to receive the annual salary of $ 41,500 (Rs 36 Lakh), while he had a very long paid vacation. Jorge Blas Fernandez, who hired Garcia and was Deputy Mayor Cadiz City from 1995 to 2015, said: “I thought the water company was supervising it, but it was not the case. I found out when I was about to present it with a commemorative plaque for 20 years of service, ”reported The Guardian.

Mayor Cádiz, Jorge Blas received the responsibility to locate the employee. When Blas finally caught Joaquín, the employee did not have a concrete explanation why he did not work. Blas remembered the uncomfortable dialogue: “I asked if he worked there, if he was withdrawn, if he died. But his salary indicated that he was still paid, ”Times of India reported.

Speaking in Garcia’s name, his lawyer would have blamed his absence on intimidation at work. In addition, he also stated that there is nothing to do again.

Garcia’s close associations informed El Mundo that he chose to focus on reading philosophy, rather than reporting intimidation, because he was afraid he would not lose his job.

Finally, a court decided in favor of the Government and imposed a fine for his absence of six years from work. Joaquín was fined with a penalty of $ 30,000 (almost 25 lei RS), the equivalent of the tax of one year of its annual salary.

Viral news Meet the Spanish man who enjoyed 6 years of holiday while receiving full salary