
Chaos support that could actually happen

Chaos support that could actually happen

The greatest upset of the first round: No. 13 yale over no. 4 Texas a & m

Texas A&M is excellent defensive and vulnerable at the notation end. Yale at a memorable upset on Baylor in 2016, after recovering the bears and is built for a similar type. If Yale-which is 27 in the rate of offensive return allowed-represents A&M to get many opportunities for the second chance, look.

The greatest upset in the second round: No. 8 Louisville over no. 1 Auburn

Do you prefer Creighton than Louisville? No problem. However, the match in the second round for Auburn will be a major challenge. However, Louisville is particularly interesting, as this section of the region will play in Lexington, Kentucky. Auburn fans are sure they will travel well, but a home -made subdog is sure it has a healthy representation in the stands.

The Final Four team: No. 2 Michigan State

Do you want maximum chaos? What about a clash between rivals in the state Michigan and the state of Michigan in Elite Eight. Raising a third victory over UM would be difficult, but MSU’s feastal defense should be a huge bargain in the madness of March.