
The native of Grand Forks appears in the film that will be designed during the Fargo Film Festival – Grand Forks Herald

The native of Grand Forks appears in the film that will be designed during the Fargo Film Festival – Grand Forks Herald

Grand Forks – Leonora Gershman Pitts, a Grand Forks, play in a feature film, “The Long Run”, which will be displayed at the Fargo Film Festival on Wednesday, March 19, at The Fargo Theater.

Screening is set for admission to 7:00 pm is $ 13 overall and 5 students.

The film feature film, written and directed by Mylissa Fitzsimmons, is about two foreigners who make a background road trip to watch the dreams of launching acting careers in Los Angeles.

The film explores “what they face when their ambition does not necessarily meet their own talent -and when they are met with people who do not think they are capable of what they know they are able to do,” said Pitts, a Grand Forks Central High School.

In “The Long Run”, Pitts interpret the woman who travels with a man in Hollywood. Travelers proposed “deleted and audible” to follow their dreams, said Pitts, whose character is “dubious” about adventure.

The main roles are depicted by Nicole Rodenburg, a former Fargo, and Fred Thomas, who comes from London to participate in the film’s projection at Fargo together with Fitzsimmons, Pitts said. Rodenburg is the actor, writer, director and filmmaker in New York.

The pair Oddball leaves his life behind to chase away his dreams from Hollywood and, along the way, discovers that what he lacks in talent, compensates with determination, according to, an online movie database.

The film is “About the type of ambition and blind boldness that he has to say:” Yes, I am good enough to move to Los Angeles and try to do it in this city ” -this beautiful city I love absolutely,” said Pitts, now a resident from Los Angeles, in a telephone interview with Herald.

Their journey leads to an unexpected friendship that will make them question the realities of watching a dream.

The film, filmed over a few weeks, “is a kind of love letter to places like Moab, Utah and Los Angeles,” Pitts said. Fitzsimmons has a deep affection for the North -West and Moab Pacific, where he spent some of his childhood.

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“The Long Run” will be displayed at 19:00 Wednesday, March 19, 2025, at the historian Fargo Theater, 314 Broadway, in the center of Fargo.


Pitts has collaborated several times and, in different ways, with Fitzsimmons on short films and web series.

Fitzsimmons made two “Micro-Buget independent films”, the type of films that are “made on a screw, with much love, with many favors, with a lot of friends,” said Pitts. “Everyone works on the scale, as we say, we work on our minimum.

She describes Fitzsimmons as “an extraordinary filmmaker and storyteller”, who has achieved many short films and documentation and someone “who writes my strengths as an actor”. Both live in Los Angeles and are active in the independent film community.

“The Long Run” is Fitzsimmons’s second feature film, she said. The first was “everything in the end”, which “won a ton of prizes”.

Pitts is delighted that “The Long Run”, which runs about 88 minutes, will be displayed during the Fargo Film Festival, she said, but cannot participate in the projection.

She credits Fitzsimmons as a “scrappy” filmmaker who makes films with minimal financial support. In the sphere of independent film, “we scratch and create a community and hope that as many people will see them,” she said.

“Places like Fargo Festival Festival make these types of films indeed. Is unreal. ”

At the same time, the film industry fought, after the strikers in the industry workers closed all the production, and the wild fires decimated the area, Pitts said.

She and her family live not far from another, where there has been a lot of destruction by fire. During the crisis, they evacuated because of the level of smoke, she said.

Working with people from the film industry, Pitts and others in a “Mother Group” formed the Nela Hub (North -est Los Angeles), a distribution center that, every week, serves over 150 families that have been affected by fires, especially those in Pacific Palisades, Eaton and another, said.

The organization received “thousands and thousands of donations”, including from stylists and costume designers. The articles have included clothing, toiletries, household goods, kitchen and furniture, as well as “clothes shelves” from workers in the film industry.

“People come and buy for free” in the center, which is supplied with “extremely clean articles,” she said.

Pitts, Hal’s daughter and Kathy Gershman in Grand Forks, learn the American Institute in Los Angeles.