
Patanjali’s study on renogrite, which combats drug -induced renal damages, among the most notable research works in 2024

Patanjali’s study on renogrite, which combats drug -induced renal damages, among the most notable research works in 2024

Patanjali's study on renogrite, which combats drug -induced renal damages, among the most notable research works in 2024

A research work published on Patanjali’s renogrite, a formulation that is effective against Cisplatin drug for cancerThe harmful effect on the kidneys was presented among the most notable research studies in 2024. The study entitled Renogite Selective protection against cisplatin -induced lesions in human renal tubular cells and in Caenorhabditis Elegans by harmonizing apoptosis and mythophagy, was published in Journal of scientific reports in August 2024.
On this remarkable feas, Acharya Balkrishna stated that success Ayurvedic formulation It is a significant step in establishing the scientific credibility of Ayurveda on a global scale. The research document was ranked among the 100 best works in the “Scientific Reports” Journal of Prestigious “Nature Portfolio”. Scientific reports is the fifth most quoted journal worldwide.
Renogrit is a drug with a prescription derived from plants, which has renoprotective properties against cisplatin -induced lesion. “Renogrite treatment decreases the lesion of renal tubular cells by mitigating cisplatin-induced oxidative stress, mitochondrial dysfunction, apoptosis, necroptosis, mythophagy and inflammation by targeting several ways of cellular lesions, without affecting the potential anti-cancer of cisplatin.” The researchers said.

Renogite Patanjali

Renogrit is made of seven herbs, namely: Achyranthes Aspera L. (Apamarg), Saxifraga ligulated Murray (Pashanbhed), Butea Frondosa Roxb. Ex willd. (Palash), Crateva Nurvala Buch.-Ham. (Varun), Boerhavia diffusa L. (Punarnavamool), Cichorium intybus L. (Kasni) and Tribulus terrestris L. (Gokharu). These herbs have antioxidant properties.
Cisplatin or Cis-Diamminithloplatinum II is a strong chemotherapy medicine to treat various types of cancer, including esophageal, testicular, head and neck, bladder, ovarian, breast, cervical, uterine, small cells and lung cancer with small cells. It works by binding to DNA in cancer cells, preventing it from dividing and leading to cell death.
Despite its effectiveness, cisplatin has severe side effects, first and foremost nephrotoxicity (renal lesions), together with nausea, vomiting and nervous lesions. This is precisely the reason that Cisplatin is an indispensable anti-cancer agent, but also becomes a challenge to protect healthy cells, such as normal renal tubular cells from the innocent Death of Bystander. Clinically induced by cisplatin Damage to the kidneys It is observed in almost one third of patients undergoing treatment. Approximately, 40% of these patients fail to complete the therapy due to renal deficiency, thus affecting the survival rate of patients.
Researchers said renogrite looks potential as a clinical candidate to reduce cisplatin-induced kidney toxicity while keeping this Anti-cancer effects. The phytopharmacological profile of the drug was analyzed using models based on vitro and Caenorhabditis elegans.
“It shows that when ancient wisdom is tested on modern scientific parameters, it gives innovative results,” said Acharya Balkrishna, who is also the first author of the study.