
Scam alert: Callers who make it easy on OPD staff, ask for money

Scam alert: Callers who make it easy on OPD staff, ask for money

Graphic by Owensboro Times

Scammers are making calls pretending to be law enforcement and asking for money, according to the Owensboro Police Department.

“Please be aware that our citizens are being contacted by an unknown person (or group) claiming to be affiliated with the Owensboro Police Department. We are receiving multiple reports that the police department number will appear on caller ID and it has been reported that they are using the officers’ names,” according to a statement from OPD. “These individuals are telling people that they missed jury duty and were fined a large amount of money.”

Officials urge the public not to send money or any form of payment to OPD.

“The Owensboro Police Department will never contact you or ask for money or threaten arrest unless the money is paid,” the statement said.

You can find more information about phone scams and other scenarios that are commonly used by visiting or reporting a scam to