
How to manage stress at work? | Health

How to manage stress at work? | Health

Stress is a natural human response to things our mind perceives as threatening or challenging, and it’s something we all feel from time to time. After all, between personal relationships, responsibilities at work and home, and other life events, there are plenty of reasons to feel stressed. Stress is an integral part of our lives and is with us from the day we are born to the day we die. So we can’t get away from it, but it’s all about managing stress better and not suffering from burnout. Anyone can suffer from burnout. It is not a sign of weakness. Burnout can be treated, overcome and prevented in the future. Here are three case studies of people who have had to go through burnout and related issues:

1) A 22 year old who was a corporate lawyer fresh out of a top law school. Just three months after landing her dream job with one of the country’s leading law firms, she presented with low mood, anxiety, disturbed sleep, negative thoughts and lack of confidence after working 72-hour shifts of continuous work in the first place. three months. Although he was completing his work and meeting his deadlines, he was afraid of making mistakes. His boss piled up work on his desk to the point where he would wake up at night to check if he had received any work emails or if he had made any mistakes in his drafts, as any mistake would result in a public dressing down by his boss, who would never take no for an answer.

2) A 45-year-old IT professional who switched jobs to a startup. She could not adapt to the fast work and deadlines there, and her psychological state was affected. He was having panic attacks and not sleeping. She smoked and drank more, which only added to her anxiety, severely affecting her work functioning, and she had serious problems with her family.
3) A 30-year-old banker had made huge losses trading futures and options and had taken huge loans in the process. Because of this, he could not sleep at night and was always anxious and moody. After repeatedly receiving threatening calls from his creditors, he tried to end his life by taking a drug overdose.

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Feelings of frustration, anxiety, depression and more characterize stress. Photo: Canva

Symptoms and signs of stress
This state of mind is characterized by feelings of frustration, anxiety, anger and short temper, depression, dissatisfaction, confusion in thinking, difficulty concentrating, difficulty making decisions, increased heart rate, headache, rapid breathing, changes in eating habits , upset stomach. , sleep disturbances, feeling overwhelmed, increasing communication problems and difficulties with co-workers, friends and family members. There may also be a tendency to withdraw and neglect other relationships, job dissatisfaction, and decreased job performance.

Common stress-related illnesses
Common diseases associated with stress include decreased immunity, headaches, fatigue, weight gain, dyslipidemia, high blood pressure, heart disease, psoriasis, eczema, digestive problems, anxiety, depression, alcoholism, substance abuse, insomnia, irritable bowel syndrome, fibromyalgia and decreased sex. lead.
Destructive coping mechanisms
Destructive coping mechanisms include substance abuse (more alcohol and drugs), increased smoking (especially cigarettes), poor eating habits (missing meals or overeating), and drinking more coffee. Developing or worsening bad habits instead of finding help and relief diminishes physical endurance. Reacting emotionally in extreme, exaggerated ways, rather than dealing with the situation appropriately, leads to strong reactions to minor problems. Faulty coping may involve physical escape, but not mental escape. There may be withdrawal or even rupture of meaningful and important relationships and friendships and withdrawal from enjoyable activities due to fatigue and lack of motivation. Working more but less efficiently can diminish psychological resilience.


Learn about stress and how it affects your mind and body. Photo: iStock/nensuria

How to manage stress
1. Know your limitations. Assess your reactions and learn to take each day one step at a time.
2. Learn about stress and how it affects your mind and body.
3. If you think you’re burning out and have symptoms, talk to someone about it. If this does not work, please see a qualified mental health professional, such as a psychiatrist, who can help with medication and behavior management.
4. Work on problem-solving skills, which consist of changing the situation, redefining the problem, analyzing alternative solutions, evaluating the implications of the alternatives, and choosing the best one to act on.

Try the four-step approach
– Constructive self-talk
– Fast recovery
– The thought stopped
– Mental diversion
Make a personal 10-point plan
1. Identify the sources of pressure in your life and learn to recognize your stress reactions.
2. Address the cause of your stress.
3. Clarify and set personal and career goals (SMART). SMART means
– Specific
– Measurable
– Doable
– Realistic
– Time limited

4. Set priorities and monitor progress.
5. Reward success and examine failures.
6. Identify your strategy and learn stress management skills such as being assertive, using relaxation techniques, venting, avoiding negative thinking, building and developing social support networks, managing conflict, and better time management.
7. Plan your activities.
8. Sleep 6-8 hours a day.
9. Understand your preferred coping style.
10. Maintain positive interactions with other people. Stay fit and healthy. Get professional help and seek social support.
Stay in control; don’t let stress control you. Stress is a dynamic process.


Maintain positive interactions with other people. Representative image/SewCream/Shutterstock

How the patients managed the stress
1) The 22-year-old lawyer met with a psychiatrist and took medication, due to which the psychological problems improved. After undergoing behavioral therapy, he became more assertive and learned to say no at appropriate times and set boundaries.
2) The 45-year-old computer scientist met with a psychiatrist and received treatment for her panic attacks, which decreased significantly. She cut back on her drinking and smoking and stopped trying to outdo her younger peers. Instead, she works smarter and can perform better.
3) The 30-year-old banker underwent therapy for impulsivity and uninstalled all his trading and personal loan apps. He is slowly paying off his loans while continuing to work.
(The writer is a consultant psychiatrist at Renai Medicity, Kochi)
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