
The Hawthorne community supports residents with breast cancer

The Hawthorne community supports residents with breast cancer

HAWTHORNE, Fla. (WCJB) – With October being Breast Cancer Awareness month and also the month of a much-loved holiday – Halloween, residents are combining the two in efforts to support a local resident with breast cancer.

Renee Reeves, who was diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer, will receive funds to go towards her recovery from a trunk or treatment event hosted by the Hathorne Women’s Club.

The club hopes to raise $12,000 for Reeves and has the support of 75 local businesses.

The trunk or treat will also include a haunted house, hay ride and costume contest and will continue Saturday from 4 to 9 p.m.

“These guys have been tremendous to me,” Reeves said. “They’re just wonderful people.”

Hawthorne residents hope the event will not only serve as a way to give back to Reeves, but also to raise awareness for breast cancer.

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