
Tulsa King Season 2 Episode 7 Recap: Life Support

Tulsa King Season 2 Episode 7 Recap: Life Support

Paramount+’s seventh episode crime drama the seriesKing TulsaNext up is season 2, titled “Life Support.” Dwight “The General” Manfredihis efforts to find out who planted bomb in his Navigator. The “investigation” has him reaching all three of his enemies. Even though they deny any involvement in the affair, the truth about the bombing is eventually revealed. As his boss tries to unravel the mystery behind the explosion, Tyson Mitchell is determined to prevail revenge on the person he suspects of being responsible for the attempted murder. His actions cause more problems than solutions! SPOILERS AHEAD.

Dwight Manfredi’s investigation reveals the truth behind the Navigator Explosion

“Life Support” opens with a doctor telling Tyson Mitchell and his family that Mark Mitchell survived the explosion. Since the installer didn’t go all the way into the blown vehicle, the situation just becomes a near death experience. Dwight Manfredi meets the family at the hospital, but Tyson’s mother asks him to leave. Former mob capo’s driver is determined to get revenge on Bill Bevilaqua, believing the Kansas City driver gangster is behind the attack. The general does not want to rush to assumptions and tries to calm his right hand. Even though he fails to bring Tyson back to his senses, he sets out to find out who was behind the explosion.

Dwight calls Chickie Invernizzi first, but he denies any involvement in the predicament. The New York mob boss boasts that there would be two bullets in the former capo’s head if he wanted the latter dead. He then turns to Bevilaqua, who follows Chickie and clarifies that he has nothing to do with the attempted murder. Even though machine mining is something that its predecessor did in the past, it seems that it has passed on from the practice. However, Chickie scares him by saying that Dwight has his sights set on the gangster. The General meets Armand “Manny” Truisi and asks him about Cal Thresher. Manny tells him that he has nothing to do with the businessman, but his behavior reveals his lies.

Dwight pays Thresher himself a visit. He scares his rival by revealing that he identified the white car that was following Tyson before the explosion happened. The businessman denies having such a vehicle and is then confronted Jackie Minghis partner. The Chinese triad member reveals to Thresher that he is behind the explosion. To hide his involvement in the affair for good, he kills his associate, Hanjin, and scraps the car used to track Tyson. The precaution turns out to be too late, as Dwight has already tracked down the company that registered the vehicle through his former driving instructor, Paul.

Vince Antonacci plans to kill Chickie with the blessings of his associates

The relationship between Vince Antonacci and his boss, Chickie, worsens after the former attends the meeting in Atlanta in the absence of the mob leader. As he fails to secure anything of value for “New York”, his master expresses his anger towards him. Vince has been afraid of Chickie since the latter suggested that he killed his father, Pete “The Rock” Invernizzi. His engaging nature worries his underboss, who talks to the mob leader’s associates about killing him after forming an alliance with Dwight Manfredi. The elders at the crime scene in New York approve of the plan because they love the General.

In the upcoming episodes, we might see Vince contacting Dwight to kill Chickie. However, he may not get the answer he craves from the ex-mob capo. The general has nothing to gain from the arrangement other than deadly consequences. He built his own kingdom in Tulsathat is, he must not mix with the rulers of New York. NYC mob business doesn’t seem to be lucrative enough to justify the risk involved in the plan. Besides, Dwight’s principles might not allow him to stab Chickie in the back. If they wanted the current head of the Invernizzi family dead, the latter would be dead by now.

Dwight tries to build a strong relationship with both Margaret Devereaux and his daughter, Tina. In the episode, he clarifies that he cannot control his urges to meet his owner Fennario farm. His potential involvement in an assassination plot may sabotage his union with his partner and the relationship he has rebuilt with his daughter. He is therefore expected to ignore Vince’s plans, despite the latter’s potential offers to draw him into the scheme.

Tyson Mitchell’s pursuit of revenge causes more problems for Dwight

When Dwight fails to act immediately after the Navigator explodes, Tyson loses faith in his boss. He takes matters into his own hands and goes to Kansas City to kill Bill Bevilaqua after meeting his father. Mark calls Dwight to stop his son, but before the General can intervene, Tyson presumably kills one of the KC gangster’s associates and flees the scene. His actions put Dwight in a dangerous position, as Bevilaqua now has a reason to seek revenge against the new king of Tulsa. Even though the gangster thinks about hurting the General in the sixth episode of the second season, he changes his mind after admitting that the latter is a cash cow.

However, after what Tyson does, Bevilaqua may not tolerate Dwight trespassing on his territory. As the gangster’s retaliation is fair now, the general can’t even complain against the same. If the former Mafia Capo says no to Vince, the door is open for a partnership between the latter and Bevilaqua. The two can join forces together to try to kill Chickie and Dwight to become the new rulers of their respective territories, New York and Tulsa. To avoid such a headache, the General may need to appease his counterpart in Kansas City, perhaps with more money.

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