
Huge country that has been called the world’s ‘scariest’ for drivers | The world | News

Huge country that has been called the world’s ‘scariest’ for drivers | The world | News

Vehicle recycling analysis service Old car comparison shared the most dangerous countries in the world for drivers to take on the road, putting themselves at risk of deadly consequences.

Although no country has accident-free roads, the survey of 2,000 drivers in 10 different countries found that even experienced drivers still feel nervous behind the wheel in their own nation and in others they have visited.

According to the Scrap Car Comparison survey, India is the most dangerous country in the world for visitors to get behind the wheel, with a “scare score” of 7.15 out of 10.

India has more than 150 million drivers, thanks in part to one of the easiest driving tests in the world, which learners can complete in seconds.

As a result, India’s busy roads see an average of 53 accidents and 19 deaths every hour, making it the country with the highest road death rate in the world.

Another country that many visitors reported as one of the scariest to drive in is Venezuela, scoring 6.97 out of 10.

Those visiting the South American country should remember to be cautious on the roads.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), 11,127 deaths occurred on the country’s roads in 2020, with walking and driving through red lights a common sight.

Finally, Scrap Car Comparison highlighted that many drivers also ranked Zimbabwe as a dangerous country to drive in, with a score of 6.9.

In addition to deadly animals such as crocodiles, lions and hippos, local and visiting drivers can also cause problems.

Compared to Britain, reckless practices such as drink-driving and crossing railway barriers are surprisingly common.

As a result, the Road Safety Council of Zimbabwe (TSCZ) highlighted that there were 51,924 shocking accidents in the country in 2023, resulting in almost 10,000 injuries and 2,099 deaths.