
Does the DMV offer anything to prevent identity theft?

Does the DMV offer anything to prevent identity theft?

Q: I just learned that my Rhode Island driver’s license information was stolen via The Rite-Aid Hack. I looked up what to do on the Internet and one thing is to ask for a new driver’s license number, put a fraud alert and similar actions. What does the RI DMV offer to those in this difficult situation to prevent identity theft? If still nothing, can anyone look for solutions? Some states are said to be offering new licenses.

A: Unfortunately, cyber security breaches and fraudsters hack into customer databases and steal personally identifiable information, which is then sold on the “dark web.” Often, the scammers are either out of state or out of the country, and the information is unrecoverable. As a result, our Enforcement Office suggests that victims of identity theft report it to Federal Trade Commission (FTC).

If you have not already done so, we recommend that you visit the following website, identity You may also want to report the theft to your local State Police barracks.

Other suggestions from our Enforcement Office to protect you in the future:

  1. Contact your financial institutions to inform them of your identity theft

  2. Contact the three (3) largest credit reporting agencies so they can monitor your personally identifiable information

  3. Change your passwords for all online accounts you use.

  4. The longer the password, the less likely a fraudster will try to hack your accounts. Scammers tend to focus on the lowest hanging fruit.

  5. If you use social media, be very careful about what type of information you post for public viewing

I hope this information is helpful in your effort to protect your identity.

Chuck HollisChuck Hollis

Chuck Hollis

Chuck Hollis is assistant administrator for the Rhode Island Division of Motor Vehicles. Please email your questions to [email protected] with “Ask DMV” in the subject field.

This article originally appeared on The Providence Journal: Does the DMV offer anything to prevent identity theft? | Ask RI DMV