
College Station students accidentally eat THC-laced candy at school |

College Station students accidentally eat THC-laced candy at school |

COLLEGE STATION, Texas (FOX 44) – Three students at a College Station charter school ate candy they thought was Halloween, but ended up laced with THC.

right Texas International Leadership (ILTexas), the incident occurred Thursday at its ILTexas College Station K-8 campus. One of the students noticed that the candy tasted unusual and spat it out. However, the other two children ingested the candy. One of them started to feel sick and was taken to the school nurse.

The nurse examined the candy and realized it was laced with THC. As soon as this was discovered, school management was notified and immediately contacted local authorities and EMS.

ILTexas says the College Station Police Department began an investigation and determined that the student who brought the candy to school and their family were unaware of its contents. One of the students’ parents shuttled non-ILTexas students from a neighboring high school to and from a Halloween event the night before. The parent didn’t know the candy was left behind in the car.

ILTexas student took candy from the back seat on the way to school thinking it was Sour Patch Kids Watermelon Sours. Police determined that the purchase of this candy was unintentional and accidental and no malicious intent was involved. All parties are fully cooperating with the investigation and no criminal charges will be filed.