
Community supports South Point teachers following stabbing incident

Community supports South Point teachers following stabbing incident

SOUTH POINT, OHIO (WSAZ) – In the wake of yesterday’s incident at South Point Elementary, the South Point community is coming together to support staff during this difficult time.

Harlee Hall, co-owner of GR8 Pies, says, “I know their minds are probably stressed and anxious. There’s free chicken and a pie—it won’t cure her, but it might make her a little better.”

GR8 Pies and Guthrie’s in South Point decided to provide free food to the staff of the South Point School District.

Guthrie’s owner Sam Gue says he met with his co-owner and general manager. Together, they came up with what they can do for the community.

“And we thought about what we can do to be able to give, just shine a light where it was a tough day yesterday,” says Gue.

Gue personally distributed the tables with a hug to the teachers who came.

Employees say it’s amazing to see what the community can do.

GR8 Pies employee Aleeia Kleinman says, “To see everyone come together was amazing, to see what our community can do in this time of need.”

“I think whenever times like this happen in your community, it’s important to look out for your neighbors,” says Hall.

In times like these, it’s important to lean on your community members, and that’s what South Point is doing today.