
Preparing for the inaugural Grand Island-Hall County Crimestoppers trunk or treat

Preparing for the inaugural Grand Island-Hall County Crimestoppers trunk or treat

The inaugural trunk or treat hosted by the Grand Island and Hall County Crimestoppers organization will be held Monday at Fonner Park. The Grand Island Police Department says it’s a good way for kids to bond with police officers and other first responders.

“Kids get a chance to meet first responders, whether it’s EMS, police, fire, and also families who need extra resources. We’re going to have a multitude of resources here, from the crisis center to the first child the Advocacy light, you know, Kramer is the towing company, we’re going to have the Central Garrison Five-0-One First Star Wars group here, so the kids in general will have the opportunity to see a lot. things that they might not get a chance to visit or talk to every day,” said Grand Island Police Officer Bradley Brooks.

Brooks added that this outreach program symbolizes something bigger than themselves. An ideal emblazoned on the company cars that officers strive to live up to every day.

“Chief Denny, he has a motto on our vehicles now. It starts with community, unity. You know, without the community we wouldn’t be where we are in terms of the department, and that’s where it starts. “We give back and help our community and try to be one with the community,” Brooks said.

The chest or treat event starts at 6pm on Monday at the Sheep Barn and Crimestoppers is expecting a packed crowd of residents already committed to helping out and donating to the event.