
National Prescription Drug Take Back Day Aims to Reduce Abuse and Keep Communities Safer

National Prescription Drug Take Back Day Aims to Reduce Abuse and Keep Communities Safer

TOPEKA, Kan. (WIBW) – In a nationwide effort to combat prescription drug abuse, Shawnee Co. participated in National Prescription Drug Take Back Day.

Prescription drug abuse, hoarding of expired pills, and unused medications remain a problem across the country and can become dangerous or deadly if they fall into the wrong hands.

Deputy Marcus Sheid with Shawnee Co. Sheriff’s Office said it’s always important to throw away these types of drugs. Noting that today it was easier for people to get off these drugs, no questions asked.

“It’s a safe alternative to either leaving drugs in the home where children and minors can have access to them, rather than throwing them in the trash or throwing them away,” Sheid said. “This gives people the ability to come in anonymously to drop off drugs and we take care of it for them.”

Local locations included:

  • Shawnee County Sheriff’s Office at the Soldier Township Fire Department
  • Shawnee County Sheriff’s Office from the Mission Township Fire Department
  • Brown County Sheriff’s Office
  • Jackson County Sheriff’s Office
  • Junction City Police Department at the Dillon grocery store

Click here for DEA Take Back Day locations.