
Man convicted of filming without employees’ knowledge – Alexandria Echo Press

Man convicted of filming without employees’ knowledge – Alexandria Echo Press


— A man accused of filming Alomere Health employees changing into scrubs in a women’s locker room has been sentenced.

Corey Ray Johns, 36, was sentenced Oct. 21 in Douglas County District Court for felony invasion of privacy.

Johns was sentenced to 364 days in the Douglas County Jail, with 244 days of that time served for two years.

Thus, Johns will serve 120 days, with two days credit for time served. He was also approved for work release.

Johns was also placed on supervised probation for two years and must comply with a number of conditions, including not having the same or similar charges, participating in a sex offender program and following the recommendations of his evaluation.

In addition, Johns must pay a total of $887.40 in fines, fees and restitution.

The recording device was discovered on May 7, 2023, when Johns was employed as a custodian by Alomere at the time.

The probable cause statement in the case said Johns allegedly left a phone in recording mode pointed at the changing area.

Johns allegedly admitted to police that the phone was his and said, “I guess I don’t know how to say it. I’m just a sad human being.”

Johns also said he recorded in the children’s locker room at Alomere and that this was not the first time he recorded people in locker rooms, the affidavit said.

Johns allegedly stated that he had been registering women since February 2023.

After Johns was arrested and transported to jail, staff discovered a pen on him that he allegedly recognized as another type of recording device, the affidavit said.

A letter to the court from Johns’ employer dated July 5 said: “I do not know all the details of Mr. Johns’ legal situation, but what I can tell you is that Mr. Johns has repeatedly expressed deep remorse. over his previous actions, I can see that the gravity of his situation is weighing on him, and I firmly believe in Mr. Johns’ ability to be a productive individual in society.

Charges against the Alexandria man were dismissed without prejudice

Four felony charges and one misdemeanor charge were dismissed without prejudice against 38-year-old Alexandria man Raymond Lee James Figgs.

When a case is dismissed without prejudice, the judge allows the plaintiff or the prosecutor to retry the case later, without prejudice to their right to have the case heard in court.

The case was dismissed by the state, citing that the alleged victim could not be located and was believed to have moved out of state.

Figgs was charged with two counts of first-degree burglary, one count of second-degree criminal sexual conduct, threats of violence and one count of misdemeanor assault.

According to the probable cause statement in the case, Figgs gave a recorded Mirandized statement in which he denied assaulting anyone but said he didn’t remember much because he was high on mushrooms, marijuana and alcohol.

Figgs admitted he may have gone to the wrong place, the affidavit said.

Travis Gulbrandson covers several beats including the Osakis School Board and Osakis City Council along with the Brandon-Evansville School Board. Its focus will also be on crime and court news.