
Unstoppable Delta Force: The best special forces unit on planet Earth

Unstoppable Delta Force: The best special forces unit on planet Earth

What you need to know: Delta Force, officially known as US Army Special Forces 1st Operational Detachment-Delta (1st SFOD-D), is an elite special operations unit specializing in counter-terrorism, hostage rescue, direct action raids, intelligence gathering and warfare irregular. .

US Army

-Established in 1977 by Colonel Charlie Beckwith, who modeled it after the British Special Air Service, Delta Force carries out highly classified missions around the world under the Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC).

-Selection is extremely rigorous, open to soldiers of certain ranks, and involves intense physical and mental evaluations. The training covers a wide range of specialist skills. The unit values ​​secrecy and fosters a close-knit community committed to tackling the most difficult missions.

Inside Delta Force: The US Army’s Elite Counter-Terrorism Unit Explained

You know it as Delta Force, but the operators call themselves Combat Applications Group, CAG, D-Boys, The Dark Side, The Other Side of the Fence, Task Force Green, or simply the Unit.

Officially, it is the US Army’s first Special Forces Operational Detachment-Delta (1st SFOD-D).

This is a tier 1 special operations group. To maintain secrecy on Army budget documents, the line item is often referred to as Army Compartmentalized Elements (ACE).

Delta Force: What do they do?

Delta Force excel to hostage rescue, targeted elimination or apprehension of terrorists, close quarters combat, direct action raids, intelligence gathering, irregular warfare and VIP guarding.

Delta Force elements are continuously waiting for orders from their umbrella command – the Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC). JSOC can deploy Delta anywhere in the world.

US Army

A brief history that is not classified

Although it is impossible to know the types of missions that Delta Force has carried out over the years, it is believed that they were the main element in raid on Abu Bakr al-Baghdadithe leader of ISIS.

In October 2019, Delta conducted Operation Kayla Mueller to remove al-Baghdadi from the battlefield. Al-Baghdadi later detonated an explosive vest and killed himself during the raid.

Never one to shy away from a fight, Delta has seen numerous operations in Iraq and Afghanistan, as you’d expect. A noteworthy statistic was that by 2009, “the casualty rate for Delta Command was 20 percent, and 50 percent of the operators who went to Iraq received a Purple Heart.” according to The Delta also participated in the Battle of Mogadishu in 1993, which went on to be portrayed in the book and film. Black Hawk Down.

In my opinion, has the best profile of Delta Force, so I’ll depend on that source in future passages.

How did the unit come about?

In the late 1970s, the military was interested in creating its own special operations group to conduct more direct raids against the enemy—something that the US Army Special Forces did not always conduct, as the Green Berets were established for training and fight. in addition to indigenous units during the Vietnam War.

US Army

In 1977, the Pentagon commissioned Colonel Charlie Beckwith, who had been in the special forces and had spent time with the British. Special Air Serviceto raise a new, more focused unit.

Beckwith spent the next two years establishing Delta Force, which would focus on counter-terrorism and missions that the rest of the special operations units could not easily accomplish. Beckwith and his subordinates created a six-month selection program for volunteers. The training and tests put the volunteers through difficult long-distance land navigation exercises and other tasks that would prepare them physically and mentally.

In 1980, Delta received a difficult mission – the rescue of 53 American hostages held in Tehran. This was known as Operation Eagle Clawand was not successful for several reasons. The main body of Delta operators did not reach the building where the hostages were. But Delta used the lessons learned from Eagle Claw to improve and adapt.

How are they organized?

Delta Force is believed to be task-organized into several squadrons divided into “troops”. Each squadron has three assault troops. There is a clandestine intelligence and reconnaissance squadron and an aviation squadron, plus combat support units such as signals, medical analysis and intelligence.

How can you try Delta Force?

As you can imagine, becoming a Delta operator is a long and difficult process. Selection is open to anyone with the rank of Specialist (E-4) and Captain (E-3). Interns must be 21 years of age or older. Most people who go for selection are either in the Ranger Regiment, Ranger qualified, or in the Army Special Forces. Many of these operators have numerous back-to-back deployments to Iraq and Afghanistan.

The selection process is graded and changes as combat needs evolve. a book – Inside Delta Force – describes intense long-distance land navigation courses to assess physical attributes. The intern then has to go through a complicated period of mental evaluation, which includes psychological interviews and oral performances in front of panels. About 10% of each class is selected.

If selected, the trainee attends a six-month operator training course. It is comprised of several skill-building units, from clearing rooms and short-quarter battles to lock-picking and improvised explosives. Counter-terrorism missions and hostage rescue operations are repeated. There is even a block of instructions on espionage operations that is probably similar to the training of CIA undercover officers.

Remember, selection and training are classified and are constantly changing and evolving based on the needs of Delta and JSOC.

My experience with Delta Force

My experience with Delta Force is limited, of course. I was not a member of special operations forces during my military service, although I was once attached to a special forces battalion as a public affairs specialist. I saw Delta operators training using all-terrain vehicles at Camp Dawson, West Virginia.

A mountain land navigation course I took, also at Camp Dawson, was said to be held on a Delta Force training ground. I had a friend who was selected and assigned to a Delta squadron who suddenly said to one of my special ops buddies, “I can never talk to you again.” I have never heard or seen from this Delta operator again. I hope he is still alive. This is the level of secrecy that Delta instills in its operators.

By all accounts, Delta Force is a tight-knit community—a brotherhood whose members are always running to the fire and in the Delta to be deployed on as many missions as possible. They believe that the more gunfights they engage in, the better. We should feel lucky that they are willing to be the tip of the spear and fight the battles that no one else can.

About the Author: Dr. Brent M. Eastwood

Brent M. Eastwooddr., is the author People, Machines and Data: Future Trends in War. He is an expert on emerging threats and a former US Army infantry officer. You can follow him on Twitter @BMeastwood.

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