
An Iowa school district is asking voters to consider the future of more than 900 students

An Iowa school district is asking voters to consider the future of more than 900 students

GARNER, Iowa (KTTC) – The Garner-Hayfield-Ventura Community School District is asking voters in Hancock County and Cerro Gordo to check “yes” on their ballots for a $21.4 million referendum bond.

This vote will affect more than 900 students in their daily lives at school, whether the bond is approved or overturned.

Superintendent Ken Kasper said that obligation is to invest in the future of staff, students and the community.

He tells KTTC it’s important to consider the health, safety and welfare of staff and students.

The district would use the funds to improve the elementary-middle school and high school.

Kasper said there are portions of the elementary school built since the late 1950s, and many of those buildings are not up to moderate health standards.

“Bond itself will focus on improving ventilation and air quality, which is really a big part of it,” Kasper said. “You know these updates will benefit middle school and high school students alike. This is what all the students in our district benefit from.”

KTTC asked Kasper why voters who don’t have students enrolled in the district should say yes on the ballot.

“Remember they are all our children. You know, we’re a community and communities are everybody, just like, you know, from a school perspective, we took a good look at what we can do for the community as a whole,” he said. “I’m asking the community to take note, just remember, they’re all our children.”

Another priority point of view for the district is security. Kasper said the two main entrances go directly into the school and the district would like to upgrade it to have guests enter through the office as a precaution.

If the bond doesn’t pass, the superintendent said students and staff will continue to face obstacles that will affect their safety and learning.

To read more about the Garner-Hayfield-Ventura Community School District bond referendum, please click here.

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