
The first nuclear fuel produced for Bolivia’s research reactor

The first nuclear fuel produced for Bolivia’s research reactor

Monday, October 28, 2024

Nuclear fuel for the first charge at the research reactor built in Bolivia has been manufactured and accepted, with delivery of the first batch of fuel assemblies planned for 2025.

The first nuclear fuel produced for Bolivia's research reactor
The reactor vessel arrived at El Alto last year (Image: Lucho Arce)

TVS VRR-M2 fuel was produced at the Novosibirsk chemical concentrate plant of TTEL, which is part of Russia’s Rosatom. The BR-01 research reactor is expected to produce radioisotopes for scientific research as well as be used in materials studies and training purposes.

The 200 kW pressurized water basin-type research reactor, developed by the Russian Atomic Reactor Research Institute, is designed to have a 50-year life and is part of a Russian-Bolivian project to create a nuclear research and technology center at El Alto. , at an altitude of over 4000 meters.

The research reactor vessel was delivered and installed in its design position in 2023. It will be the largest high-altitude research reactor in the world.

Oleg Grigoriyev, senior vice president for trade and international affairs at Rosatom TVEL’s fuels division, said Bolivia was the first South American country to use Russian nuclear fuel, adding: “Rosatom has extensive experience in the construction of reactor facilities of research abroad and traditionally provides them Nuclear fuel throughout the lifetime of the chemical concentrate plant in Novosibirsk has already been producing nuclear fuel and its components for research reactors in various regions of the world for 50 years, including facilities for Russian and foreign design.

The Cyclotron Preclinical Radiopharmacy Complex at the El Alto Center is already operational and will produce a line of pharmaceutical products to supply the necessary supplies to Bolivia’s network of nuclear medicine centers, designed to enable Bolivians to obtain faster, higher quality diagnosis and treatment. without having to travel abroad. The Multifunctional Irradiation Center was also completed.

Rosatom announced the signing of the contract with the Bolivian Nuclear Energy Agency in September 2017 for the construction of the nuclear research and technology center in El Alto. Construction of the facility began in July 2021. The projected completion date for the center’s facilities is 2025.