
Far North man sentenced to 20 years in prison for rape, abuse of girls

Far North man sentenced to 20 years in prison for rape, abuse of girls

By Shannon Pitman, Open Justice multimedia journalist, Whangārei of NZ Herald

Whangarei Court, Whangarei High Court, Whangarei Court.

Alexander Wright, 61, appeared for sentencing in the High Court at Whangārei District Court.
Photo: RNZ / Peter de Graaf

WARNING: This story contains disturbing details about child abuse.

From the outside looking in, the kind gesture of a man offering to support a mother by looking after her children when things got too much seemed genuine.

But, unbeknownst to the mother, the man took advantage of the girls at every opportunity, even if his wife was sleeping in the next room.

Now Alexander Wright, 61, has been jailed for 20 years with a minimum non-parole period of 10 years, with a judge commenting that his prospects of rehabilitation were poor, particularly if he did not admit guilt.

The sentence was hailed by Child Matters manager Jane Searle as a significant sentence that delivers justice.

“The trauma and lifelong impact on the lives of those affected victims cannot be underestimated.

“It’s important that the justice system responds appropriately because the impacts are far-reaching not only for the victims but also for the community,” Searle told NZME.

At a jury trial in the High Court in Whangārei earlier this year, Wright was found guilty of 38 counts of sexual offense against three girls, all under the age of 12 at the time.

The charges related to various types of violations, including eight rapes, which occurred repeatedly.

Judge Michael Robinson said the victims were strong, brave and resilient young women with years of potential ahead of them.

“I want to especially recognize them and pay tribute to their courage. Each continues to suffer for what you did to them and each has a long road ahead.

“We hope that, moving forward, they will be able to enjoy the fact that justice has been done because of their bravery,” Judge Robinson said.

For years, Wright volunteered to help the mother care for her children, sometimes overnight, in her family home.

Almost immediately he began sexually assaulting children.

On one of the girl’s first overnight visits, Wright sexually assaulted her in the salon and when she moved to a room to be closer to his wife so she would feel safe, he took her back to the salon and violated it again. The next morning, he raped her.

“It is not clear whether your wife knows any of this has happened,” Judge Robinson commented to the man who appeared in the arraignment at the Whangārei High Court for his sentencing on Friday. He had no support in court throughout the proceedings.

“You have her prey”

The girl testified at trial that Wright constantly tried to touch her either in her own home or his, and even when she locked herself in a bathroom to get away from him, he was able to get to her.

The girl thought that by putting up with Wright’s behaviors, she was protecting her younger sisters from him, and was devastated to learn that they were also victims of his predatory behavior.

“She could have done nothing to protect them from you, you preyed on her as you preyed on her, she is not at all responsible for your offending. The only person responsible is you,” Judge Robinson said.

Wright violently grabbed another girl and raped her, while sexually assaulting another girl multiple times.

“He told you to stop, you told him not to tell you what to do and if he told anyone they wouldn’t see what was coming,” Judge Robinson said.

“How could you do that?”

One of the victims told the court that her childhood was shattered and her innocence taken away.

“I was told to shut up, how could you do that to someone at the age of 7?

“Every man I looked at was a monster, every boy was a demon,” she told the court at the sentencing.

The victim said she was afraid she would be accused if she told the truth and had a message for the young woman.

“I wish I could hug that 7-year-old and tell her, ‘There are no more worries and no more monsters living in the house.’

Judge Robinson criticized Wright’s continued denials and found his offending to be serious and significant.

“You claim to be a victim of false accusations, but your victims had the courage to come forward.

“Instead of taking care of them, you constantly used and abused them for your own satisfaction…they were vulnerable children.”

Judge Robinson sentenced Wright to 20 years in prison with a minimum non-parole period of 10 years.

“If you continue to deny your crime, you will serve your entire term. If you continue to deny your wrongdoing, no rehabilitation programs will be offered. Your prospects for rehabilitation seem poor.”

Wright was automatically added to the child sex offender registry.

Where to get help:

do we need to talk Call or text 1737 toll-free anytime to speak to a trained advisor for any reason.

Lifeline: 0800 543 354 or text HELP to 4357

Suicide Crisis Helpline: 0508 828 865 / 0508 TAUTOKO (24/7). This is a service for people who are thinking about suicide or those who are worried about family or friends.

Depression Helpline: 0800 111 757 (24/7) or text 4202

Samaritans: 0800 726 666 (24/7)

Youthline: 0800 376 633 (24/7) or free text 234 or email [email protected]

what’s the matter: free advice for 5-19 year olds, online chat 11:00-22:30 7 days/week or freephone 0800 WHATSUP / 0800 9428 787 11:00-23:00 Asian Family Services: 0800 862 342 Monday to Friday 9am to 8pm or text 832 Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm. (Languages ​​spoken: Mandarin, Cantonese, Korean, Vietnamese, Thai, Japanese, Hindi, Gujarati, Marathi and English.)

Rural Support Helpline: 0800 787 254

Health line: 0800 611 116

The Rainbow Youth: (09) 376 4155

Outline: 0800 688 5463 (18:00-21:00)

If it’s an emergency and you feel you or someone else is in danger, call 111.

Sexual violence

NZ Police

Support for victims 0800 842 846

Rape Crisis 0800 88 33 00

Rape prevention education

Trust in empowerment

HELP Call 24/7 (Auckland): 09 623 1700, (Wellington): 04 801 6655 – press 0 in menu

Talking Safely: a 24/7 confidential helpline for survivors, supports people and those with harmful sexual behavior: 0800044334

Male Survivors Aotearoa

Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests (SNAP) 022 344 0496

*This story originally appeared in New Zealand Herald.

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Photo: Open justice