
The Children’s Award marks the achievements of young citizens

The Children’s Award marks the achievements of young citizens

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Children aged seven to 11 can be nominated – or apply themselves

Medway children who have overcome a challenge, done something extraordinary or made a difference to their community could be honored with a new award.

The council launched the Medway Young Citizens Award to celebrate and recognize the achievements of young people in the area.

The new scheme is aimed at children aged seven to 11 who live or go to school in Medway.

Child Friendly Medway, a division of the council, urged people to submit their nominations from November 1.

Anyone can nominate a young person and self-nomination is allowed.

Each winner will receive a personalized certificate.

Councilor Adam Price, portfolio holder for children’s services, said: “This is a brilliant initiative to celebrate our young people.”

The scheme is based on the core themes of Child Friendly Medway, which are set by children.

These include a focus on community, aspiration and creativity.