
A New Britain man was arrested for DUI after avoiding the crash, BAC more than twice the legal limit

A New Britain man was arrested for DUI after avoiding the crash, BAC more than twice the legal limit

FARMINGTON, Conn. (WFSB) – A New Britain man was arrested for driving under the influence and sustaining a crash on I-84 in Farmington.

State police say they responded to westbound I-84 exit 39A around 12:10 a.m. Sunday for a report of an accident.

When troopers arrived, they found 100 feet of heavy damage to the railing on the left side of the ramp.

At this time, state police also began receiving multiple calls reporting that a black Acura SUV was heading south on Route 9, dragging its front bumper.

“Shortly thereafter, a 911 caller reported that the vehicle was exiting the freeway via the 37B exit ramp. Troopers later located the fleeing vehicle on the southbound Route 9 exit 37B off-ramp in New Britain,” state police said.

The car stopped at a red light, where officers observed him smoking. When the driver of the car noticed state police, he began to flee on foot toward New Britain.

The driver, identified as 30-year-old Jaime Nieves, fled to a nearby apartment complex, where he was apprehended by the military.

State police say his speech was severely slurred, his eyes were bloodshot and his breath smelled of alcohol.

He told police he ran because the vehicle didn’t belong to him and he got scared. He also told police that his last alcoholic drink was at 11 p.m

Standardized field sobriety testing was administered at Troop H, where Nieves failed to meet standards, according to police.

While in custody, Nieves was found to have cocaine on him. Nieves told police it was cocaine.

During the investigation, a gun was found in the front lawn area of ​​the apartment complex where Nieves was arrested.

The serial number revealed the gun was registered to Nieves, who had a valid CT pistol permit.

He told police he dropped the gun while running from troopers because he knew he would get in trouble for possessing her while intoxicated.

A chemical test showed Nieves’ blood alcohol level was more than twice the legal limit.

Nieves was charged with evading liability – property damage, operating a motor vehicle under the influence of alcohol/drugs and possession of a controlled substance, among other charges.

Nieves was later released from custody on $10,000 bond.