
The Wheeling Police Department is turning the Safe Room into a Safe Place for public safety

The Wheeling Police Department is turning the Safe Room into a Safe Place for public safety

The Wheeling Police Department has reintroduced the “Safe Room” to police headquarters as part of Domestic Violence Awareness Month. The Safe Room will now be known as the “Safe Place” and is located at the front entrance of the police department. It will always be open and available to anyone who feels at risk or has concerns about their safety.

All you have to do is enter the room and close the door. This sets off an alarm to let the police know someone is inside and needs help. An officer will then come and escort you inside the building for added safety.

“The concept is simple, if you feel like you’re in fear of your life or you’re concerned about your own safety – just go into the safe room and close the door,” said Wheeling Police Department Public Information Officer Philip Stahl. “And that alerts us that someone is in that room and needs our attention, which if that happens, which thankfully hasn’t happened yet, is a feature there for the community, for safety.”

The safe place is monitored 24/7 and there are 14 other locations in Ohio County marked with large yellow outdoor “Safe Place” signs.