
Fire safety tips to keep Halloween scary – and safe

Fire safety tips to keep Halloween scary – and safe

As Halloween approaches, the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) and local fire departments share essential tips to ensure a fun and safe night for families.

Suit safety

When choosing suits, avoid long fabrics, which can catch fire easily. If a mask is part of the suit, make sure it has eye holes large enough to allow a clear view. Give children flashlights or glow sticks as part of their costume to increase visibility and reduce the need for open flames.

Decorating safely

Decorations, including dried flowers, corn stalks and crepe paper, can catch fire quickly. Keep all decorations away from open flames and heat sources such as light bulbs. Use battery-operated candles or glow sticks in jack-o-lanterns. If using real candles, monitor them closely and place lit pumpkins outside of high-traffic areas such as doorways, driveways, and yards to avoid accidents.

Fire safety measures at home

Clear all exits from decorations to ensure unblocked escape routes. Confirm that all smoke alarms in the home are working properly. For families hosting Halloween parties, make sure kids know multiple ways to get out of the house in case of an emergency.

Teach children fire safety

Remind children to stay away from open flames, including candles in jack-o-lanterns. Teach them the “stop, drop and roll” technique for a clothing fire: stop moving, drop to the ground, cover your face with your hands, and roll repeatedly to put out the flames.

These precautions can help ensure a safe Halloween. For more safety resources, visit the NFPA Public Education Division online or contact your local fire department, such as the Auburn Fire Department at (315) 253-4031.