
The City of Missoula is pushing back against East Missoula’s proposed subdivision

The City of Missoula is pushing back against East Missoula’s proposed subdivision

MISSOULA – The city of Missoula is pushing back against a lawsuit filed over a decision to rezone dozens of acres in East Missoula for redevelopment.

Some East Missoula residents filed a legal challenge after The Missoula City Council voted in August to annex and rezone a property in East Missoula.

The Aspire Subdivision Project includes plans for over 250 housing units and two parks on 35 acres.

However, East Missoula residents argue that the city of Missoula ignored its own growth policy and the impact on the community when it approved the subdivision and annexation request.

The City of Missoula filed a motion to dismiss the suit because the petitioner “does not own any property within the boundaries of the area to be annexed.”

The City’s filing also argues that previous Montana Supreme Court rulings have found that owners of out-of-bounds property to be annexed are not in the right.

An East Missoula resident involved in the lawsuit told MTN that their attorneys are filing a response to the city’s motion.