
Problematic MATBUS taken out of service following VNL investigation

Problematic MATBUS taken out of service following VNL investigation

FARGO, ND (Valley News Live) – It’s been two weeks since MATBUS employees came to Valley News Live with safety concerns, with two drivers claiming to have become ill from bus fumes and have been out of work for months. Since then, employees have been telling us that the troubled bus plans to be retired.

“The bus is waiting right now. So they are taking it seriously, but it took your news to get them to do it,” said a MATBUS employee.

In the previous story, the two drivers explained how they were hospitalized due to harmful chemicals or fumes coming from their bus. They claimed that the MATBUS management is also not taking their health issues seriously.

“He’s been quiet for two months. Our boss didn’t even check on us once,” the two said.

They have been out of work for months, but previously told us they hope to return soon.

Since their The story of October 14another MATBUS employee said the bus causing them pain will be taken out of service.

“They may have started to appear, but it was too slow. Once your story came out, they kicked it into high gear and something was done immediately. Obviously it wasn’t ideal to have to do something and obviously it wasn’t conducive to a safe work environment for anyone,” the employee explained.

After retiring the bus, employees say they are still concerned about other current safety practices at MATBUS.

One claimed that incidents go unreported, communication is poor and staff complaints are rarely addressed.

They said: “It seems to take a long time for something to change, especially when it comes to safety.”

Valley News Live first reached out to MATBUS, who provided a statement regarding the odor issue, stating, “We have been notified of odor complaints by drivers, who are employed by Transdev, and the matter is being investigated.”

I reached out again today, October 29, to address the new concerns, but have yet to hear back.

If you need help, you can contact our whistleblower hotline Here.