
Haslingden theft: Stolen ring posted back to owner with note of apology

Haslingden theft: Stolen ring posted back to owner with note of apology

Mr Horsnell, 62, who served in the Royal Artillery, was on a fundraising fishing trip for the veterans’ charity when the ring was taken.

He said: “I was devastated when it was stolen as it was almost four years to the day that my fiancee Tracey died.

“I was literally physically sick when I noticed it was gone, I couldn’t believe it.”

Thieves took the ring, a charm bracelet, some cash, a tablet and a valuable chess set on September 23.

It prompted Mr Horsnell to post this appeal on social media: “The most precious thing I own is the engagement ring I gave Tracey on her 50th, which has always put the ashes them in the living room”.