
Lancaster County man cited for burning leaves during statewide burn ban

Lancaster County man cited for burning leaves during statewide burn ban

CHENEY, Neb. (KOLN) – A 37-year-old man was cited Tuesday for burning leaves in Lancaster County in defiance of a statewide burn ban as winds reached up to 50 mph under a red flag warning.

Deputies from the Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office and firefighters from the Bennett Volunteer Fire Department responded to the Cheney neighborhood near Yankee Hill Road and Nebraska Parkway around 2 p.m. after receiving reports of illegal burning.

According to Deputy Chief Ben Houchin, the man was using a rake and leaf blower to direct leaves into an open fire. When informed of the violation, he was argumentative and asked why he couldn’t burn the leaves, Houchin said.

“But again, 25 to 35 mph winds, gusts of 50 and being as dry as it was, it’s kind of hard to think why anyone would think that’s a good idea and should be done at that time,” he said. Houchin said.

Houchin noted that early intervention by neighbors helped prevent the fire from spreading. The sheriff’s office receives about 10-15 similar calls each year.

“Fortunately, most people understand that this is not a good idea,” Houchin said.

In Nebraska, illegal burning, meaning burning outdoors without a required permit, is a Class IV misdemeanor.

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