
New data shows more Louisiana high school seniors are graduating

New data shows more Louisiana high school seniors are graduating

LAKE CHARLES, La. (KPLC) – Louisiana’s high school graduation rate is up, new data shows.

According to the Louisiana Department of Education (LDOE), graduation data released for the 2022-2023 school year reveals that the state’s overall cohort graduation rate has increased and is now 83.2 percent.

This is up from 82.7% the previous year.

The graduation rate for students with disabilities also increased to 77.7 percent. This is the third year in a row that the overall academic proficiency rate for students with disabilities has shown an improvement.

LDOE approved a revised accountability system to be launched in 2025-2026, which emphasizes core academic content and career and college readiness. It also credits schools for providing more opportunities for on-the-job learning.