
What to do if you see someone break into your vehicle

What to do if you see someone break into your vehicle

AUSTIN (KXAN) — On Wednesday, the Travis County Sheriff’s Office issued a warning to residents about vehicle break-ins.

TCSO warned residents not to follow or chase thieves.

“If you find someone stealing your vehicle, remember, there is nothing in that car or truck more valuable than your life. Please do not take any risks by confronting or chasing the thief,” said TCSO Sheriff Sally Hernandez.

The office said it has worked four cases in the past two years where residents saw someone break into their vehicle and then followed the thief(s) as they fled.

“In two of the cases, the tenants were shot by the thief and luckily they were not injured. In one instance, the resident chased the thief in his vehicle,” TCSO said. “His son, who was a passenger in the vehicle, was shot and seriously injured. And in one case, the resident was killed.”

The bureau said it is currently investigating a case in which a driver followed a truck that drove off after hitting the front of his vehicle. TCSO said in this case, a gun was displayed, but no shots were fired.

If anyone witnesses a vehicle break-in, TCSO recommended calling 911 and being the best witness possible.

“Pay attention to what the suspect(s) look like, details of the vehicle they are driving and any license plate information,” TCSO said.

The office also offered the following tips to help prevent vehicle theft:

  • Park the vehicle in well-lit areas

  • Always lock all doors

  • Never leave the keys in the vehicle

  • Take valuables with you or store them out of sight

  • Install security cameras

“Vehicle thieves don’t want to get caught, so they look for easy, quiet and quick opportunities. If they don’t see valuables and the doors are locked, they usually move on,” TCSO said.

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