
Tips from Safe Kids Columbus

Tips from Safe Kids Columbus

COLUMBUS, Ga. (WTVM) – With Halloween right around the corner, it’s important for kids to have fun, but it’s even more important to know how to keep them safe!

Pam Fair, director of Safe Kids Columbus, advises parents to watch their children when they approach the neighbor’s doorstep and put an end to tricks before it gets too dark. As it gets darker, it can become harder for drivers to see children. Fair advice for parents to ensure their children remain visible to drivers.

“If you want them to be seen by drivers, it’s a great idea to put reflectors, reflective tape on the suit or reflectors in some way. Have them carry a flashlight or put some glow sticks in their costumes — kids love them anyway, so you want to be safe, be seen,” Fair said. She also warns drivers to drive carefully and watch out for tricks.

The fair advises parents to pay attention to their child’s costume. If the suit is too long, the child may slip and fall. Face masks can prevent your child from seeing clearly.

For more information on how to receive spotlights from Safe Kids Columbus, click Here.