
The Coast Guard suspends a dos altos mandos de su base en San Diego – San Diego Union-Tribune

The Coast Guard suspends a dos altos mandos de su base en San Diego – San Diego Union-Tribune

Without an explanation, the Coast Guard has suspended two of the highest-ranking officials from its base in San Diego, who are involved in the agency’s more grand operations in the West Coast.

Captain James Spitler and Chief Petty Officer Michael Dioquino have been temporarily relieved of their duties, Rear Admiral Joseph Buzzella said in a communicated

“La Guardia Costera cannot carry out our missions sin el respeto and to the trust of each member,” said Buzzella. “A safe and professional environment for every member is crucial to our success, and we do not tolerate behavior that goes against our core values ​​of honor, respect and dedication to the job.”

He announced se hizo el viernes.

Spitler ha estado sirviendo ca oficial al mando del Sector de la Guardia Costera de San Diego, y Dioquino he was oficial alistado de mayor ranko del commando.

La Guardia Costera would normally report to someone and be the subject of an investigation.

El Sector de San Diego is responsible for patrolling 120 millas de costa and 750 millas del río Colorado, as is the southwestern maritime border between the United States and México, says the agency.

Each year, the agency says the sector saves around 150 lives, participates in around 250 search and rescue cases, detains 1,200 illegal border crossers and performs security inspections in more than 600 national vehicles.

The original story

The Coast Guard is suspending two top leaders at its base in San Diego