
State Board of Education Dist. 6

State Board of Education Dist. 6

TOPEKA, Kan. (WIBW) – An overarching policy for our state’s K-thru-12 public schools is guided by an elected State Board of Education.

Even seats on the 10-member board will be up for election this fall. That includes District 6, where incumbent Rep. Deena Horst is not seeking re-election.

Democrat Beryl New and Republican Bruce Schultz are running. Dr. New visited Eye on NE Kansas on Thursday, October 31st.

New was a longtime educator in the Topeka Public Schools, including as an English teacher, principal at Highland Park High School, and completed her career in the administrative office as director of certified personnel and director of equity.

She said the current Council is doing a good job, but there is always room for improvement. New schools must strive to provide students with the resources they need to succeed while also ensuring parents have a voice.

Shultz visited the show on Tuesday, October 29. Watch his interview Here.

The general election takes place on November 5.