
Early in-person voting is on the rise, surpassing turnout in 2020 and 2016

Early in-person voting is on the rise, surpassing turnout in 2020 and 2016

WICHITA, Kan. (KWCH) – In this general election, early in-person voters in Kansas are outnumbered in 2020 and 2016.

Secretary of State Scott Schwab believes the increase is the result of messaging from both Democrats and Republicans.

“What I think you’re starting to see is that both major parties are pushing early voting, and you’re seeing those voters respond to that request,” Schwab said.

Voters reported waiting in line for nearly 2 hours in Sedgwick County. In McPherson County, lines of voters have been a daily occurrence since early voting opened.

Voters waiting in line said they came to vote early in hopes of avoiding the lines and getting them out of the way.

On Thursday, McPherson County reported that more than 3,000 advanced in-person voters and more than 1,000 mail-in ballots had been mailed.

Here’s a breakdown of the statewide advanced voting numbers as reported by the Secretary of State on October 30.

2024 2020 2016
Personal voting votes cast 294.109 195,416 169,357
Mail-in ballots 163,304 504,682 193,883
Mail-in ballots have been returned 97,642 318,050 115,212