
Candidates from Chatham Co. District 7 discusses growth, infrastructure changes

Candidates from Chatham Co. District 7 discusses growth, infrastructure changes

CHATHAM COUNTY, Ga. (WTOC) – Many local races will be decided Tuesday for Election Day.

One of those is the Chatham County District 7 race. This is a 2020 rematch between longtime incumbent Dean Kicklighter and challenger Orlando Scott.

WTOC sat down with both to talk about the issues facing West Chatham County and why they believe they are best placed to lead the future.

“I was 30 years old when I was elected, but having said that I’m still the second youngest person on the County Commission,” Kicklighter said.

Dean Kicklighter is the incumbent. He was the Chatham County District 7 Commissioner for 24 years.

“Experience really counts. Experience is knowledge and now, experience and knowledge are needed more than ever to represent western Chatham County.”

Orlando Scott is the challenger.

“I’m a person, I’m part of the community, I’m a fighter and I want to serve, and that’s why you should vote for me,” Scott said.

Both candidates believe the number one issue facing residents is unprecedented growth, both residential and industrial.

“Growth is coming and growth has come for the last 20 years, so now we’re playing catch up,” Scott said.

“With proper guidance and judgment, we can’t stop growth, but we can direct and guide growth,” Kicklighter said.

Kicklighter wants to manage that growth without turning West Chatham County into an industrial wasteland.

“We should triple our population very soon and if that happens we will need a lot more housing everywhere. We choose to serve housing for the massive developments brought by Hyundai and Ports, say housing,” said Kicklighter.

Orlando Scott says improving infrastructure and roads would greatly help residents.

“When I talk to residents, everyone is stressing about infrastructure. And mainly our roads and the overcrowding of our roads. Our residents are tired of sitting at Benton Boulevard, Pine Barren, Pooler Parkway, Quacco Road,” Scott said.

Scott would like to see T-SPLOST, which was defeated by voters in 2022, put on the ballot and passed in Chatham County to help relieve some of the traffic congestion.

“There are a lot of capital projects that we can do. If we have that one cent sales tax added… It’s a way that, we don’t have to raise taxes because, frankly, there’s not enough money in the budget. The county budget, the city budget, to do whatever we need,” Scott said.

Both candidates say many voters are concerned about the increase in foreclosures going up in the district.

“This is a challenge that many of our residents face because the ports are growing so fast that it is needed. We have to balance that need, where these deposits are going, to make sure we’re not intruding on residents,” Scott said.

“Work with us and guide this growth in the best way possible so that it doesn’t hinder the quality of life for our residents, but in a way that doesn’t financially hinder the future of Chatham County and financially the state of Georgia.” Kicklighter said.

Both candidates say they are the ones who can build relationships and guide growth for the future.

“If you care about infrastructure, if you care about industrial intrusion, if you care about communication, two-way communication, not just one-way, I’m your person. I’m the fighter you need for this time this season,” Scott said.

“We have saved taxes in this county because the new growth offsets the property taxes and we can continue to do that, but we have to do it with leadership that will guide that growth in the right direction and not hurt or hinder it. quality of life for our citizens, but make it better,” Kicklighter said.