
Six seek five Norway-Vulcan school board seats | News, Sports, Jobs

Six seek five Norway-Vulcan school board seats | News, Sports, Jobs

Five candidates are on the ballot Tuesday for four four-year terms on the Norway-Vulcan Area Schools Board of Trustees.

They are Marybeth Langin, Joseph Occhietti, Joey Pontbriand, April Van Eynde and Joseph F. Rake. Incumbents William O’Brion, Cory Heigl and Todd Proctor did not seek re-election.

Board Chair Jenny DeDecker is the sole candidate for a partial term that ends on December 31, 2026.

The five running for the four four-year seats were asked two basic questions about their candidacy: Why did they decide to run for school board and what do they think they bring to the board? Their answers and other information follows –

Marybeth Langin

Age: 42

Background: HR specialist at Oscar G. Johnson VA Medical Center for the past four years; at VA from 2013-14. He served as a US Navy helicopter mechanic, and an HVAC electrician in the National Guard, including a combat tour in Baghdad, Iraq. He earned a teaching degree in elementary education with a major in history from Northern Michigan University, then a master’s degree in business, leadership management and strategic planning from Michigan State University. Husband David teaches algebra in NVAS; they have three sons in district schools. She helped coach her son in the elementary basketball program and worked with Little League and road basketball.

Previous elected positions: first candidacy for public office.

“A strong school system is the heart of the community, the backbone of the community. We have incredible teachers, incredible staff in schools in Norway. I have three children in this school system. Having a background in public service, being in the military and having parents in the military, (the school board candidate) just felt like the right thing to do. When my dad got out, he ran for the (Gwinn) school board and won. I saw the value he added to his life and the value he brought to the school system.

“I am very passionate about education. I want students to have the best education. I have skills that I think would be valuable to the school.”

Joseph Occhietti

Age: 33

Background: Full-time Project Manager/Estimator for Sikora Sheet Metal in Iron Mountain. He also works part-time as a sheet metal apprenticeship instructor. Lifetime resident of Norway, graduate of Norwegian High School, now has a child in NVAS.

Previous elected positions: first candidacy for public office.

“(I ran for school board) primarily because there was a need and I felt I could make a positive contribution to our community. As an educator at the higher level, I see the quality of academic skills coming out of public education in the Upper Peninsula, and there seems to be a general downward trend in recent years. Developing sound policy to help prepare students for a fast-moving world is a major motivation for my decision.

“(I bring to the board) a perspective from someone who is a parent and an educator, based on past experiences on different private committee chairs. The desire to make decisions that effectively lead the work of a school, ultimately maximizing the overall educational potential of NVAS students.”

Joey Pontbriand

Age: 37

Background: North American Municipal Director, two years, SANY America, Peachtree, Ga. He has a degree in physical education and coaching, Northern Michigan University. He served as an athletic director at the North Central and Iron Mountain school districts. He has a son in third grade in Norway. High school graduate in Norway. Coached – primarily boys and girls basketball – at Norway, North Central, Iron Mountain and Gwinn high schools and Kingsford High School. MHSAA referee, 13 years. Board Member, Norway Area Little League.

Previous elected positions: first candidacy for public office.

“I am running for a seat on the school board for a few simple reasons. I want to give back to the school district that has been a major part of my life and has had a pivotal impact on my life journey. I feel that my professional experience has given me the chance to help give back as a board member and contribute to the positive growth of the district. I want to ensure that we strive to maintain and provide our educational staff with a place they want to work and a work/school environment they are proud of.

“I bring experience working as an administrator and understanding of budgeting, employee retention and school/community engagement. I want to bring a communication path from the community to the district while strengthening alumni engagement. This district has a strong teaching and support staff, along with very experienced administrators, I hope to help support them while improving not only the day-to-day operations, but maintaining the great day-to-day experience they receive students at Norway-Vulcan schools!”

Joseph F. Rake

Age: 74

Background: Independent, managing annuity portfolios for 48 years. Had three daughters who graduated high school in Norway, the last in 2023. Participated in martial arts, 25 years.

Past Elected Offices: End of first four-year term on school board.

“I ran for the Norway-Vulcan School Board four years ago to support my children’s school district in a way that I could contribute. Nominated now because there will be a lot of turnover on the board with many very experienced members not running again and there is a clear need for some experienced board members to bring some continuity to the new board.

“I don’t have kids in K-12 yet, but there are a number of unfinished and future issues that would definitely benefit from someone who has been there. I’ve been a parent in public education for 37 years, I’ve had a 48-year independent career serving people’s financial investment needs, and I usually get along pretty well with people.”

April Van Eynde

Age: 41

Background: Operates a mobile Indian taco stand during the summer months. Focused on raising children, ages 6 to 4, for the past six years; this is their first year, both are in the Norway-Vulcan school system. He previously oversaw six LaFaive stations/convenience stores in the region for approximately 2 1/2 years. Born and raised in Norway, graduate of Norwegian High School. He was on the Head Start committee.

Previous elected positions: first candidacy for public office.

“There just weren’t enough people running for school board (initially) … I thought somebody had to do it.

“What I bring to the board is, I think, a good, honest opinion. I know a lot of people in the community. I talk to people easily and I’m known.”

Jenny DeDecker

Age: 42

Background: Professor of Qualitative Research and Conscious Leadership, Saybrook University, Oakland, California. Owner of Full Moon Rising, a wellness studio in Norway, for the past 10 years. The husband graduated from high school in Norway; they have one of their two children still at NVAS.

Previous Elected Offices: End of second four-year term on board.