
Northeast Wisconsin residents are helping Hurricane Helene victims prepare for winter

Northeast Wisconsin residents are helping Hurricane Helene victims prepare for winter

(APPLETON) Here in northeastern Wisconsin, residents are no strangers to cold weather. And neither do those in parts of North Carolina, where they actually see cold winters and snow.

But in the wake of Hurricane Helene, displaced residents are scrambling to prepare for the inevitable cold weather to move in, and many of them have next to nothing to keep warm.

On Saturday, the community came together in Appleton and New London to collect cold weather clothing to send to those in hard-hit areas of Appalachia.

Organizers also collected donations to help build shelters and tents for those who are now homeless.

“We’re going to take whatever we can put on or else, Orton Trucking in New London donated a truck and we’re going to load a semi up Monday morning and they’re going to head right up to North Carolina and I’ve got people waiting down there who again want to desperation to distribute clothing,” says Paul Crowe, organizer of the drive.

Crowe says the goal is to raise enough donations to help them build at least 100 temporary shelters.