
Events, 39 -year -old activities Edsa People Power Revolution Anniversary

Events, 39 -year -old activities Edsa People Power Revolution Anniversary

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Lawyers and institutions continue to keep the EDSA people’s power memory through discussions, exhibits and mobilizations

Manila, Philippines – History and Democracy lawyers organize various events and activities from all over the country to commemorate 39 years of Eds People Power Revolution, on Tuesday, February 25th.

For the second year, the Marcos administration has reduced the commemoration and reduced it as a special work by eliminating commemoration from The list of special holidays that do not work.

More schools and universities in the country have suspended classes and organized alternative learning days to honor and mark the historical event. Others have asked the school administrations to move to the asynchronous learning mode, so that they can participate in commemorative activities.

With this year’s theme, “Edsa 39: Di ka nag-iisa,“Here is a list of events you can attend to mark the day when the Filipino people eliminated the late dictator Ferdinand E. Marcos, the father and name of the current president, from 1986.

Mobilizations, protests
  • Cagayan | Kabataan Cagayan Valley and The province of the volunteer Kikobam-Heidi-Cagayan It will organize a luminaire rally for candles and prayers on February 25, 4:50 pm, at the Cagayan Museum and the Historical Research Center. Participants are encouraged to wear white and bring yellow and banners candles.
  • Manila | University of Salle Manila Send a mobilization to the commemoration program that happens at EDSA the altar on Tuesday, February 25th.
  • Manila | After the Polytechnic University of Philippines (PUP), the administration denied the appeal of the students to suspend its classes to commemorate the People’s Power Revolution, the PUP Bureau of the Student Regent The councils of local students It is organized on February 25, 13:00.
  • Metro Manila | BUHAY Ang People Power’s campaign network He has a series of mobilizations and a special meal on February 25th.
  • Metro Manila | Kabataan party list Request the participants in their youth delegation to the 39th Eds Power Power Commemoration Program on Tuesday, February 25th.
  • Panay | Bagong Alyansang Makabayan Panay He owns a series of protests, forums and programs throughout the province in Aklan, Capiz and Iloilo on February 25th.
Events, forums, discussions
  • Online | Youth against Tyrania Southern Tagalog He owns a virtual forum, “EDSA memory: a discussion about fascism in different regimes” Monday, February 24, 5:00 pm. Interested participants are encouraged to register Here.
  • Cagayan | Guilda Cinema Luzon North incorporatedIn partnership with Dakila and Active Vista, he organizes a projection of the live registration of the Martial Musical Stageplay, “Isang Harding Papel”, on Tuesday, February 25, 6:00 pm, at the Cagayan Museum and the Historical Research Center.
  • The city of Quezon | Campaign against the return of Marcos and Martial Law He will examine and revise the events that led to Marcoss’s return to their power in their February 25 forum at Palma Hall, the University of Philippines Diliman, between 14 and 17:00.
School activities
  • Butuan City | Father Saturnino Urios University will organize a university mass on February 25, 11:00, at CBE Function Hall. It will also be transmitted live on them page. The courses on all levels at the University will be carried out online. During this time, students can access learning materials on Edsa People Power Revolution, which will be loaded into their learning management system.
  • The city of Iligan | Mindanao State University Iligan Institute of Technology Kataas-Taasang Sanggunian Ng Mga-Aaral It keeps a discussion and a solidarity meeting in the memory of Edsa People Power Revolution, on Tuesday, February 25th.
  • Los Baños, Laguna | UPLB University Library It presents a physical exhibition with books and resources that highlight the meaning and influence of EDSA movement on Philippine Democracy.
  • Naga | Atheneo by Naga Junior High School Ministry office It organizes a commemorative event with community prayer activities and a mini-equiliter on the People Revolution on Tuesday, February 25th. Meanwhile, they also organize special sessions about EDSA in their classes for training the panelipunan and faith.
  • The city of Quezon | University of Ateneo de Manila The 39th anniversary of the Edsa People Revolution through a university mass on February 25, 12:30, at the Gesù Church, Loyola Heights. People can also join the procession and recitation of the Holy Rosary before the Liturgy. It will start at the Chapel of the Immaculate Conception, Gonzaga Hall, the College Complex at 12 PM. Everyone is encouraged to wear yellow, white or blue.

Some of the initiatives here were crowded from the chat room for volunteering opportunities in the Rapler Communits app.

Do you know other events and activities in commemorating the 39th anniversary of EDSA People power? Send it to Volunteers-Opports The chat room of the Rapler Communits app. – with reports from James Monteza, Kyla Mae Simbahon, Juliane Judilla, Godwin Lacdao, Waya Lao, MJ Catequist and Samantha PundaS/