
If you can shut up with your partner then your connection is stronger than you think? The study reveals the truth

If you can shut up with your partner then your connection is stronger than you think? The study reveals the truth

Do you and your partner feel comfortable in silence? Completing each moment with a kind of conversation is not a feeling that bothers you both? Well a new study believes you could be in a healthy relationship.

Research has found that sitting dead with another significant other could be a sign of emotional intimacy. (Freepik)
Research has found that sitting dead with another significant other could be a sign of emotional intimacy. (Freepik)

We all heard that silence is golden. The same rule applies to relationships. A new study Leaded by researchers at the University of Reading, it suggests that sharing the moments of silence with your partner could actually be a sign of a healthy relationship. The research, published in the magazine Motivation and Emotion, has discovered that sitting dead with another significant one could be a sign of emotional intimacy.


The researchers carried out four studies to find out how silence and motives affected the quality of the couples’ relationship. During the research, a group of participants was asked to think of a recent episode, how often it produced, its effect on them emotionsAnd finally, its effect on the satisfaction of their relationship.

The researchers found that the motivation behind the silence indicated whether the relationship was healthy or not. (Freepik)
The researchers found that the motivation behind the silence indicated whether the relationship was healthy or not. (Freepik)

Reasons for silence

While trying to find the motivation behind the episodes of silence, the participants were asked to choose from options like the other significant and wanted to shut up, their partner would be upset if they were talking, they used silence or they wanted to It values ​​silent moments.

The researchers found that the motivation indicated whether the relationship was healthy or not. While the hostile or malicious silence created negative feelings in the relationship, natural silence or intrinsically motivated silence was associated with intimacy, proximity, tranquility and connection, according to the study. In the second scenario, the participants obtained a high level in the satisfaction of their relationship.

The authors of the study that explain the importance of silent silence and communication said: “Consider two exchanges between romantic partners: they look into the eyes of the other, sharing the intimacy and mutual understanding or a look at judgment and dissatisfaction, because now they get a common understanding. that one partner left the other. In both cases, nothing is said, however, much is communicated. “

Note for readers: This article is only for informational purposes and is not a replacement for professional medical advice. Always look for your doctor’s advice with questions about a medical condition.